The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Post some highlights plz


Iā€™m too tired to process that, but itā€™s an interesting question.

Seconded and thirded.

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Silent majority. I think that this word doesnā€™t mean what he thinks it means.


So they have no idea what they are talking about and are blowing hot air. Thereā€™s no way to win AZ as Trump with this many votes outstanding where theyā€™re outstanding.

Iā€™m not so sure NC is dead, either (both potus and senate). Democrats have been crushing the mail vote there and, though itā€™s hard to figure out, based on reports it seems there is still a significant chunk of mail vote left which could make it quite close.


Bro, Trashfalgar had crosstabs with like Kanye winning Aryan Nations strongholds in northern Idaho and Nate <ā€™\\\>< Gr\\t has them rated as C-. Thatā€™s slightly below average!


I donā€™t think so. Postal workers are largely minority and liberal and even the right-wingers still take pride in their jobs. They wonā€™t just sit by and do nothing. There would be people squawking to high heavens. See one PO where they managed to re-assemble one of the sorting machines he had taken apart.

I believe DeJoy did everything he could to systematically slow the mail. But I also believe the vast majority of USPS workers did everything they could to push late arriving ballots through the system.

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I have no brain and I must tweet

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Constantly checking the results and seeing only a rare small update here and there is driving me nuts.


Biden has a great shot in GA imo. Iā€™d personally say it is a coinflip.


All depends on what counties. I thought Fulton was pretty much tapped out. Not sure if Biden can do better than 2:1 I surrounding counties.

Which makes a lot of sense for Latinos - who are largely blue collar. And oil workers. Also the thing about Latino swing-voters breaking for the incumbent.

Letā€™s get President-elect Biden all the EC votes we can.

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lol arenā€™t you supposed to be good at math you fking fossil?

Itā€™s a bunch of posts declaring victory about ~11 h ago to dozens of posts like this this morning:

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That headline is crap. Read the article.