The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Are you frantically visiting news websites to see if there’s any news? Because they really, really like clicks!

then maybe Dems should stop running on it

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I wouldn’t call myself a social conservative, but I’m more socially conservative than is typical here. One of my passions has been to push that Democrats should appeal more to socially conservative, economically liberal voters than socially liberal, economic conservatives. The former includes parts of the religious left who too many find icky to be associated with. The latter include Wall Street types who have gotten out-sized influence in the Democratic Party partly due to performative virtue signalling on social issues.

Right about now would be an awful time for an extended alien invasion. Thankfully, that’s just the stuff of science fic–

Hold on, I’m getting a report from the Trump campaign…

Wonder what the exit polls look like.

I’m not writing of the GA special senate elections, at least as long as Biden wins. Number one, Lord and Savior Donald Trump is not on the ballot and would have been defeated. He won’t be stumping for those races, either, as he works on stealing everything he can and trying to avoid prosecution by any means available. Meanwhile, Biden and Kamala are on the stump every day. Two, Dem turnout is usually low in specials, but why wouldn’t GA Dems feel inspired both by either coming close if not officially flipping the state, and now they can single handedly flip the Senate.


I actually think we should get really tolerant of socially conservative fiscally liberal Democrats. We should be actively recruiting them in red states probably. The Democratic needs to shift off of social issues and onto economic issues right now. Mitt Romney was to our left on UBI earlier this year. We’re going to get killed by Hitler 2.0.


John King is legit really good at this.


Georgia prezzie seems like a huge knife edge situation? Is there any scenario where Trump loses there and doesn’t shit all over the entire state causing a few point flip the special elections?


Going after socially conservative, fiscally liberal means welcoming in pro police and anti abortion types who will still accept free ponies.


Gee I wonder why the left doesn’t connect more to the homophobic, racist, misogynistic social conservative wing.


I’m not witty enough, but I feel like there is a good viral joke to be made equating Trumps “more testing = more cases” and “more counting = more biden votes”.


What is Pennsylvania looking like right now?

If AZ is in play for Trump, that’s a disaster.

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Because they don’t care enough about economic issues.

I always thought “socially conservative” was just code for “i think gays are icky.”

Is it a real legit thing outside of that? What are the “conservative” social issues?



Abortion, “respecting” the police are probably the two biggest ones


The dem constituents have shifted to include more suburban white people, who vote more reliably in special elections and midterms. Without Trump’s name on the ballot to drive the hardcore deplorables, the Republicans are a lot weaker.

Thank god we have Warnock and not Liberman’s shitty son on the ballot for the special election seat. Christ.


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