The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

No hopefully ex presidential harassment involves the men in windbreakers with random letters on the back.

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Saw a tweet he was at +600 on bovada and logged in and saw it at like +240, considered putting a couple k on it but was too drunk and too unsure last night lol

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Data Orbital is an A/B pollster on 538. They’re not randos.

DDHQ has been annoying because he has states at like 99% in that are nowhere near 99% in.

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But that first Dem primary debate was practically half in Spanish, what more do you want from them??

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Yes. I think it’s fundamentally unhealthy (and anomalous) for people to base their identity around their politics (both for the people and for politics). Polarization is not the result of centrists becoming Trumpists or Bernie-bros. It’s the result of Catholic youth group ministers and PTA moms becoming Q aficionados or white supremacists or boat parade people. It’s happening in the GOP first, because the most hollowed out communities are rural communities where people are predisposed to believe in the nostalgic, good old days story covering for white supremacy. But I think the same things are coming for the Democratic party too.

To put it another way, in a healthy democracy, voters should not be asking themselves, “As a progressive/conservative/Trumper/whatever, do I support this candidate or not?” They should be asking themselves “As a factory worker in Michigan, what candidate is best for my community?” But they don’t ask themselves that because no one has an identity that is stronger than their political attachments. Identity politics is inaptly named, because it presumes that demographic characteristics constitute an identity, which they don’t in most meaningful senses. “As a Hasidic Jew, I support X” makes some sense, but “As a Latino, I support Y” is starting to be pretty thin. What kind of Latino? What citizenship status/generation? What economic class?

Bizarrely, I do honestly believe that zoning reform/densification would help an astonishing amount, as would desegregation. The most vibrant communities we have are legally unable to integrate more people, which leaves everyone else trapped in the least vibrant communities, where they can’t form stable, healthy identities because everyone’s poor and the smartest and most ambitious young people are creamed off the top to go to fancy schools while everyone else stagnates.


What’s their raw vote total? NYT has 2.549M vs 2.548M.

John James 2,575,750 49.13%
Gary Peters * 2,567,920 48.99%

Use your Spidey senses, dawg.

Apparently a lot in NC too. We may still prevail, but if not it almost certainly cost us NC and GA, and who knows how close FL would be without shenanigans.

Which means we were drawing very live to 350 electoral votes without shenanigans.


When they say 18%, I think they mean of the last minute arriving votes that the courts tried to get delivered yesterday. Believe these votes totaled 300k throughout the entire country.

Oh in that case their opinion is probably at least as good as ABC/Wapo

You know we haven’t won Pennsylvania right?

I think it’s because they gave themselves an 82% score. Which also was possibly to spur action within the PO and get the judge’s attention. I don’t think it would have been possible for DeJoy to install a shit-ton of evil postal inspectors. So I tend to trust? that they were doing everything they could to sweep the facilities and get votes in. My guess is if GA comes down to 5k votes or less then maybe the USPS made the difference. Very doubtful it made the difference in FL.

I offered here but had no takers on the Trump side.

18% of Atlanta votes or Atlanta mail in votes? 18% of total votes is probably 100k votes split 70/30 for a margin of 40kish.

Yep, and they withheld some there. If the USPS didn’t fuck with the election we’d almost certainly had had 350 EV. But the Dems also didn’t see that coming somehow someway cause they make the Washington Generals look like the Golden State Warriors.

Golly gee the court said the USPS can’t rig the election, I’m sure that Trump stooge will listen!


For people freaking out, just remember we’re still pretty fucked even if Biden manages to squeak by.