The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I’m in on team “don’t freakout over some unheard of twitter account making unsubstantiated claims if remaining Maricopa ballots being 20% Trump”

If it makes anyone feel better I can go create a twitter account called election analytics or some bullshit, tweet about how the remaining ballots are +20 Biden, and link the tweet here. Would you guys like that?


This is actually great. If he’s freaking out he probably doesn’t have anything. The man is a fanatical extremist ‘positive thinker’ in the same vein as Adolf (who thought that if he wanted it badly enough the Germans would win Stalingrad… which is why they stood there and died until the military basically buckled and never recovered the rest of the war). If Trump is melting down on twitter that means we’re probably going to be fine.


It’s just mind boggling how we lost the senate and even lost house seats! We may have gotten the pig out of the Whitehouse, but things are gonna get worse before they get better. The senate will block everything and blame the Dems. It’ll be a nightmare. But that’s a subject for a different thread


Yea I know they are. But there was a warning in bold on the ballot about higher taxes being the result. I’m talking about that part.

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MI gonna pull their Peter out faster than J Toobin

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Yeah but they got that Political Polls site to retweet them. Does that have any barrier to entry?

Also Orbital apparently? called AZ earlier for Dems. I predict it’s one dude in his basement who’s gaming the betting markets.

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Yes good point, sorry I meant to add to your post not contradict it.

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This pleases me so much

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Following things right now is just a way to stress yourself out. You can do that once Trump starts suing every state he lost.

I really need you guys to stop freaking out about AZ so I can go FULL HOPE


he’s within 10k votes now!

He’s ahead per NYT results page.

Hopefully soon it’ll be ex-presidential harassment .


OK, cherry picking between AP and NYT whichever has more results.

Wiscy is Biden
Michigan 216k left, up 45k, Biden needs >40% of the remaining (approximate)
PA 1.4M left, Down 466k, Biden needs >67% of remaining
NC 284K left, Down 77k. Biden needs >64%
GA 242K left, down 156K, Biden needs >83%

Peters 213K left down 9.7k. Peters needs >53%–seems likely???
Collins I calculated to get her down to 48.5 as a guess for a runoff since she will get some of the 3rd party 2nd choice votes. If I did this corrrectly she has to get <35% of the remaining votes.

I see CNN is putting Peters in front now, but those totals and remaining are lower than what I have so not sure??? Either way he has to be 50/50.

Kansas City truly unironically does not deserve Mahomes. So nice to know he won’t pull a Brett Farve some day and ruin my life.


This USPS thing is a MASSIVE scandal.

18% of Atlanta votes were not delivered, could easily flip the state.

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ok i’m looking at this guy:

We don’t know this.

His experience includes serving as an Associate at DC London, Deputy Chief of Staff for Maricopa County Supervisor Denny Barney and Political Director and 2014 State Victory Director with the Arizona Republican Party. After founding Data Orbital, the firm experienced a successful 2016 cycle under George’s leadership with their track polling in the Presidential and US Senate coming within less than 1% of the final outcome.

Trashfalgar all the way down. Looks like it might just be one motherfucker behind it too?