The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

So with Wisconsin locked, a Georgia win ends it without MI/PA, right?

I donā€™t like his chances. Not sure if Wayne has anything left, if not heā€™s probably toast. If it has some left, he has a shot.

Yeah but MI is much more promising right now.

In a regressive year, CA still voted overwhelmingly to let felons on parole vote. Thereā€™s something about fairness and letting people vote that seems to cross party lines pretty healthily.

Yep, thatā€™s the thing underlying what Iā€™m saying.

I think all outstanding Georgia counties that are less than +20ish for Trump will favor Biden in their remaining votes.

We should spin the election as a referendum on mask wearing and other COVID restrictions.

Yeah totally the country seems to really love masks.

Is AZ expecting to be done today?

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Yes, GA and MI are both 16 electoral votes and interchangeable. Porque no los dos?


Per NYT, estimated 24% of Wayne is still outstanding which would equate to 203K ballots in the Senate race. Wayne has gone 65.6-31 thus far. Make of it what you will.


The one reason I doubt the USPS really hid a ton of ballots is the workforce is mostly minorities (or close) and the rest are pretty liberal (guessing but they have to be). DeJoy could systematically slow things down. But it sounds like the postal inspectors and local workers did everything they could to deliver all the ballots. If there was real chicanery workers would have called it out, and there just arenā€™t that many foot-soldiers willing to do it.

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Is what I make of that.


Is there a tweet for this?


Also of note is that Peters is basically running even with Biden in Wayne Co. Maybe 1% behind. So it there doesnā€™t seem to be a ton of ticket-splitting in Detroit just because James is black.

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Recount was always going to happen with 20.6k margin, right?

Scott Walker throwing cold water on the idea of more than a few 100 vote swing makes me feel better.