The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Relevant also is that main-in ballots in a given county will favor democrats more than the regular vote in the same county.

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What are we thinking about Peters in MI? Are we actually going to lose seats or am I being too alarmist?

She’s almost certainly going to be one of our most hated senators for six more years unless DDHQ is way off on how much is left outstanding.

Yup. The guy I play is super fit and I’m rehabbing pretty much my whole right leg. So walking off the court not in pain is a win right now. I just couldn’t string together 4 balls and that motherfucker gets everything back.


Supposedly mostly early/absentee vote from Maricopa and (I think) another blueish county.

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Republicans and Democrats come and go, but dad jokes are eternal.


seems like good news…

The sweat in MI is real. Mostly dem counties left to report but could be really close.

For Senate?

Because Biden is going to win Michigan.


Good to know. I’m 51 and haven’t played tennis in probably 8 years. But if I could find a partner I’d get back out there. Most of the people over 50 I see are playing doubles - which never really interested me. The whole point is to sweat.

Florida voting for felon voting and a $15 minimum wage and then voting for Trump shouldn’t be surprising, since Joe Biden does not campaign on those things. Your average voter would have no idea Biden’s position on those things unless they went to his website.

Like, literally every single data point shows that the electorate supports progressive policies. The democrats who are running for office take their galaxy brains and decide “well, everyone knows that I’m more likely to enact those policies than the republican who I’m running against, so I’ve got their votes locked up… let’s try to pick off some moderates who AREN’T into those progressive policies” and they run their campaigns doing everything possible to distance themselves from those extremely popular policies and doing absolutely NOTHING to talk about the good things they intend to do.

Saying that an election is a referendum on the character or the soul of the nation is fucking drivel. It’s meaningless. Describing your public option healthcare plan in terms of “everyone who qualifies for medicaid will automatically be enrolled” like Biden did in the debates is fucking drivel. Talking about “taxes will not be increased on anyone making under 400k” is fucking drivel. None of it gives voters a reason to vote for you. Trump is a liar, but at least he tells people he’ll do good things for them. Biden is also a liar, but he doesn’t even have the common decency to fucking pretend that he cares about the material circumstances of his voters.


The Republicans have a core ideology of tax cuts for the rich and deregulation of business. They have found allies in single-issue voters who don’t care if those key issues do not align with their personal best interest. We are talking people who care more about abortion or guns or, yes, racism. Their next step should probably be to cultivate a gender and education gap among minorities.

Dems need to retool by finding single-issue voters of their own. I would suggest weed legalization. This is something that I have voted against in a ballot initiative in the past, but have mellowed out on. I still don’t care and the issue would have no bearing on any future vote I cast, but mobilizing potheads who care about little else so long as they can smoke a joint without being harassed about it seems like an electoral gain. Ideally, the issue would be dragged out without full legalization being accomplished for a while to give these voters a reason to push the D button over several cycles. Marijuana would be my plan for flipping seats at the state legislature level.

From NYT

Reid Epstein, in Madison, Wis. 5m ago

There are only about 300 votes left to count in Wisconsin, officials say. They’re in the town of Willow in Richland County. Biden leads by more than 20,000 votes.


Yes. Peters could easily lose.



That’s always the case. They’re not the only state that certifies ballots in December.

If I see correctly it’s down to about 9k with about 4% left. Gotta go 70/30 if not 75/25.

Yeah Senate. James is black so the black vote may have split. Although I am hoping it is mostly suburban white votes that split their tickets. My dumbass mom did, I know that. Or she lied and voted Trump. I wouldn’t put it past her.

Tennis is the sport that Mason Malmuth likes to talk about playing so that he can pretend he’s not some math nerd.

Most states don’t certify for weeks iirc

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