The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Most of the outstanding votes tonight were also outstanding votes.


Wisconsin elections woman saying that now the process of “triple-checking” (mandated by law, taking a random sample, blah blah) begins before they can certify the county results.

Math error

Appears to be looking good for Biden.

But man this is way too close to be happy about.

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Meagan Wolfe dropping truth bombs on MSNBC right now.

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WI+MI+AZ+NV+3/4 of ME = 270

biden won, it’s just a matter of how much chutzpah the courts have at this point


Did you see the award winning farmer? He was outstanding in his field.


Digging county by county and feeling slightly better about Georgia.

It’s legitimately tough to find a significant county that has all votes reporting that broke significantly for Trump compared with 2016. But for the counties with outstanding votes, that’s less true: some of them appear to have broken for Trump.

I think Houston, for instance, based on some reasonable demographic comps (like Hall and Paulding), is likely looking at a 5-10 point shift towards Biden, net. Currently, they’re +2 to Trump instead vs 2016, with 78% of the votes in (biggest red county outstanding by far). In sum, I think even in this red county isn’t going to net any votes for Trump at all.

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Yes, but also giving media the outs they need to not “call” it. Gotta canvas, check the numbers, double-check, municipalities canvass, then the counties canvass, etc., etc.

Also inviting the public to come witness the canvass process (as is their right by law). What could possibly go wrong?

That is how I approach bill payments too. Oh, I have an “outstanding balance”? Why thank you!


Grunching after getting my butt kicked in tennis.

What’s going on with Susie Collins?

Is Arizona a lock with ~14% of votes left? Where are remaining votes coming from? Dipping slightly on PI.


You still play singles old man?

I think you’re onto something important here. This sense of belonging has always been part of the human experience, of course. But think about the shifts in society over the last 20-30 years. Everything has moved toward isolation and fragmentation and online.

People are lonely and desperate. Is it really any wonder that some are latching onto Trumpism, nationalism, and batshit insanity like QAnon? CNN did a piece about QAnon a few weeks ago that I thought was astounding, showing how these reasonable seeming housewives got sucked into it because it made them feel like they were part of something special and secret and fun.

As real life connections continue to weaken, this starved appetite for belonging is only going to grow. I’m not saying you throw policy out the window or stop running likeable candidates or anything like that. That stuff still matters a lot. But I think going forward it’s really important for Democrats to focus on the emotional side, getting people to feel like they’re part of something exciting and meaningful and big. Because many Americans are not getting that sense of connection elsewhere in their lives.


Sounds like mostly blue areas and mail-in/early. Should be a lock. AP and FoxNews called it.

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In for the needle

Astead Herndon, in Milwaukee 1m ago

A new batch of votes reported this hour in Georgia has cut Trump’s lead there to just under 90,000 votes.

Current results are deeply concerning.


First thing this morning

Me: Welp election days over.

My 3 year old daughter: Noooooooo. I wanted to see it. Did the bad guy win?


lol Wisconsin won’t certify their vote until December 1st?!? Wtf lol