The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Yeah I only responded to the first tweet. If she eventually came to the right conclusion that’s great, but she was one of the people calling for a Dem landslide IIRC. Look we all thought that we’d dominate a high turnout election, it just turns out that isn’t true. We may never see turnout this high ever again and it was too close for comfort. We need to retool before the GOP does.

yeah except the problem is that Trump will probably be the 2nd most in history

There was a time when I wanted to be the Karl Rove of the left and employ those same dirty tricks against Republicans. I still want to do that stuff,which is why I hope skydiver’s post-election plans involve hanging out on a beach with a camera.

I don’t lie to myself. I am not a good person. I’m willing to lean into that to do stuff. If I were to work on a campaign, the best job for me might be oppo research.

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I read it I’m sure others have. I don’t have any comment other than “yeah dems suck” which yeah we know… Astronaut shoots astronaut in the back of the head while looking at the earth dot jpg.

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OK, maybe I’m wrong, I’m just repeating what MSNBC reported like 20 mins ago give or take.

The GOP doesn’t need to retool. They have a winning formula. We got lucky with the Presidency this year. I don’t expect that to happen again anytime soon.

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i know this might be a radical idea…so hear me out…but maybe we select a minority Prez candidate next time?

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Well see, he wouldn’t have so many votes these votes if all these people didn’t turn out!

Trying to make a joke along the lines of COVID cases and tests. Not a very good one, but I think there is a thread that could be tugged on to find something funny.


sure as long as they support m4a and things that help the people materially

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Andrea Mitchell is impossible to watch. Why she gets an hour a day on TV is anyone’s guess.


Lol I’m sure top UP minds are already on it

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MSNBC reports that Wisconsin election commish was slightly off. There are 600 votes outstanding.


Biden wins Nevada and Michigan then he wins 270-268 even if Trump gets PA and ME+2

Tie is dead now.

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The worst is when she interviews Nancy Pelosi. Waiting for each of them to spit their words out is agonizing. I mean, Mitchell had a great career and is an important person in the history of journalism, but her time has come and gone.

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Yep, Omaha killed any tie chances


I was going to make a comment on the top of her show. The last hour - I’m not sure who the host was - was interviewing someone about Trump’s comments, and basically said, “but we’re not going to air that”. Great move.

Andrea Mitchell then leads off her show with highlights from last night including a couple of Trump saying how he won, but now it’s being stolen, etc. Infuriating.

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He just needed to wear a mask. Hell he just needed to act slightly contrite since he got out of hospital.


My son thought “outstanding” votes meant “great” votes, which makes sentences like that much more fun to read.