The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Basically all that’s outstanding is Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania and ME+2, right? Every other place has been called or the lead is highly unlikely to be overcome.

If so then a tie is a real shot.

A lot of this is because Rs have a whole infrastructure in place to tell people they need vote against Proposition 13B or it will literally end America.

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This is a really good point. Our so called morality is a huge barrier to actually winning. We’ve let the GOP unilaterally use the entire toolbox of dirty tricks on us without any retaliation. We have to stop that or we’re never going to get where we need to get.

Like I get that people don’t want to have any moral qualms, but if your moral qualms result in the full size +5C climate change scenario happening you were weighing things really wrong and most certainly weren’t moral.

Honestly guys this election result has me pretty pessimistic about Democracy. Yeah we won, but not by enough. From what I can see the people we should be calling this election for are the Plutocrats. Look at how they did in CA on the props. This was the perfect outcome for the ownership class. The upcoming depression is going to be an incredible opportunity to buy shit up through their private equity investments.

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Georgia is still live I think.

I have crossed the finish line, I am so far in the lead


dont think a tie is possible.


Brian Kemp is personally counting them as we speak.


The votes are all counted but they’re not all posted. The last batch has to be posted, then the race will be called.

My argument has been that Dems need to stop talking about poll-tested policies and start talking in terms of a narrative that makes those policies seem logical. Stop being too focused on issues and see the bigger picture.

A lot of the debate on Amy Coney Barrett centered on fear about overturning specific decisions. More needs to be done to explain why the Federalist Society is bad and what a competing vision of the judiciary should be.


:musical_note:Don’t stop believing :musical_note:

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Dude… no. Please stop saying wrong things.

Biden will receive more votes than any candidate in US history.


Unfortunately, looks like Trump will get the second most votes in history.

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They needed to deliver visceral anger at the outrageous injustice of the Garland to ACB debacle, and they gave us Feinstein dishing out hugs to Lindsay Graham. Lindsay Graham!

Hey Wasserman, sack up please and do your catchphrase for WI, thanks.

Yes, I’d be concerned too that dealing with this today could get in the way of delivering the ballots by yesterday.


Did you read the thread? Doesn’t look like anyone actually clicked it

Anyone waiting for GOP politicians to rebuke Trump’s madness is going to be waiting a very long time.

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Who had postmaster general down as a key henchman 4 years ago?


“We’re not seeing that there’s any counties that haven’t posted their results on their websites” was part of her quote.