The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

No, I calculated using the numbers on NYT site.

This is why we need to ship PA or GA as an insurance policy.

GA flipping red on PI.


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So NYT still has Peters down by a wider margin. Really tough to say. They’ve counted a different sample than DDHQ has, and thus you can’t use DDHQ’s count and Wayne County’s outstanding vote on NYT as being linked. DDHQ has counted more of Wayne County.

Maricopa has gone for Biden. It’s really hard to imagine the 250K mail-in from Maricopa now going to Trump.


So, we’re just not gonna have any more Federal judges?


Where do you get the breakdown of the outstanding vote? Like I’ve never seen 250k Maricopa.

Click the tweet JordanIB posted and click the quoted tweet and you’ll see it.

AP has Peters down only 10k with 4% to go. No idea if their numbers are accurate? Would think Peters easily makes up that deficit if so.

If Wisconsin goes to a recount there’s no way the race can get called before the end of the week right?

PI has Peters favored, fwiw. Usually if a Dem is favored on there they are legit favored.

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Also new forum rule, posting any politcal Poles in the future gets you a ban


I’ll be stunned if we take the state legislature in PA. It’s already so badly gerrymandered. We won it 55-44 in total popular vote in 2018 and lost the State House 54% to 46%. Don’t see how we can take it back on the margins we’ll have in popular vote in this one.

Shut the fuck up.


Are you trying to kill me?