The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Confused by what this means. NYT data reports about 720K votes counted in Wayne County, estimating this is 76% of the vote. That would mean 227K ballots in Wayne Co alone to be counted/reported.

Unless their estimate of total vote count is way off.

I will chamber my own celebration gif then so that we may blast them out of the cannon together :crossed_fingers:

Yep, itā€™s going to be another one of those weird Florida things where they somehow have to vote on it twice before it really passes.

My Dem state senate choice was polling +7 as of Nov 2nd. Lost handily. Florida legislature firmly in GOP hands another two years. Gerrymandering ahoy.

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No, thatā€™s socialism!


PONIED by literally seconds. Could be an omen :eyes:

Just about the only positive about it looking like the GOP will hold the Senate is that they now have absolutely no incentive to rig this for Donald at any level. We arenā€™t going to pack the court, shit Mitch isnā€™t going to let us seat a justice if thereā€™s a vacancy. They arenā€™t at any risk of any of our policies getting through the Senateā€¦ And in 3-4 months if Trump was still in office heā€™d be getting blamed for this winters obscene death toll when instead heā€™s going to be tweeting about how much worse Bidenā€™s COVID numbers are than his.

They cheated as hard as they could and they got the best case scenario for themselves. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing for them to gain by sticking their necks out for Trump here, and if they wouldnā€™t stick their necks out to stop him I donā€™t think they are going to discover courage to help him out now.

Seriously this outcome is the best one for Mitch McConnell. Heā€™s overjoyed Iā€™m sure. Heā€™s now the leader of the GOP, has a 6 year term as a man in his late 70ā€™s in seemingly poor health so reelection isnā€™t a concern. Biden and co will govern the country day to day in a much more effective way than Trump, but theyā€™ll get zero credit because Mitch can just choke off the stimulus because heā€™s rediscovered his fiscal conservatismā€¦ Yeah.

At least Iā€™m 99.9% sure weā€™re done with Trump.


Maineā€™s lock blue 3 EVs hadnā€™t been called yet?

MSNBC is pretty good when they get into the data. Kornacki has to be the best at this. Chuck Todd was so awful on the map on the national coverage.

Checking out FNC to see how theyā€™re handling it right now.

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It could be that those calls are based on data being uploaded to official sites and Wisconsin hasnā€™t done that yet.

It has. Biden get 3 EVs and Decision Desk called ME-2 for Trump a few hours ago.

Is AZ planning to ever finish counting? Has MI given a timeline?

I legit am starting to believe we played ourselves with mail in voting. Itā€™s too confusing for too many people and too easy to fk it up. And nobody is as obsessive as we here are about it, they fire and forget, once itā€™s in the mail itā€™s all over and forgotten for most people. I bet 10% of our sideā€™s votes werenā€™t even counted at all, maybe more.


I know we make fun of her here, but man this thread is pretty much what weā€™ve been saying.


They said Friday earlier this week

Has Steve Kornacki been on non stop since last night? What a legend. He was on until 3am when i went to bed and was still going hard when i woke up five hours later.


Kornacki amazes me how he knows geographic areas and their politics so well. Some of the areas I know down to a micro / precinct level he just reels off and Iā€™m like how the fuck does he know about those suburbs? But he knows it everywhere in the entire country it seems.


MI said Friday but updated it to say most likely they would finish today. PA and NV probably not though.

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Per the NY Times chart, MI expects to have ā€œa very clear picture, if not final pictureā€ of the results by tonight.

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Sheā€™s wrong. The single biggest takeaway from this election so far is that turnout isnā€™t going to save us. Thatā€™s obviously bad for her model and bad for her career, but sheā€™s wrong. And not a little wrong, very wrong.