The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Good luck with that. As if the GOP SOS will allow them to be counted without a court order.

Also how many have to be cured first or will have signatures missing etc?

Biden pulling away a bit in MI, > .7% +35k votes but Peters (D) in a world of hurt -35k

Progressive policies are popular - but are the socialist candidates who peddle them?

Maybe we can get a national referendum vote on UHC w/o having a candidate involved.

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When all the votes have been counted, youā€™re not ā€œin the lead.ā€ You won, fuckers.


I looked at that, the arenā€™t taking into account that the red line is behind the blue line and basically covering it. And they are dumb anyway.

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Thatā€™s not what ā€˜in the leadā€™ meansā€¦


Game 6 is over and the LA Dodgers are in the lead for the World Series


Pony not in lead because slow etc

Feels like Iā€™m being proven right in regards to mediaā€™s refusal to ā€œcallā€ states today. Head of WI elections is literally saying weā€™re done, Biden wins. No ā€œcallsā€ of the state anywhere.

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PrOgReSsIvEs CaNā€™t WiN

Is it too soon :popcorn:

Wait, NBC just called Maine for Biden. Is that all of Maine?

The last batch hasnā€™t been posted yet. Counted, in transit to be input.

I really donā€™t want to jinx it


CNN says he gets 3 of Maineā€™s EVs

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