The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

lol wonder why trump won florida.


I think that number has to be too high.

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They literally told the world what they were going to do with the USPS, then they did it, and now they’re doing that other thing they literally told the world they were going to do (declare victory and try to stop vote counting) and yet the media is like “this is highly unusual!”


I will vote for any candidate who proposes this. Or permanent normal time. Whichever, don’t care. Just stop changing the god damn clocks.




AP having already called Arizona is enough for me to feel good about it. They are notoriously hyper-cautious (for example I’m pretty sure they still have not called Florida 2000 to this day).


The thing that’s weird about Trump is I think he really does want everyone to have money. Just as long as he has the most. Sure, he’s a grifter that never pays but he doesn’t do shit that Mitch does to hurt people financially.

That’s gotta be a couple hundred thousand of our votes, maybe more. Florida would have been razor thin. I’m telling you guys, the polling was off in a bunch of key states but not by nearly as much as everyone thought. You can’t blame pollsters for the USPS not delivering ballots, naked ballots getting tossed, etc.

You can, however, blame an election modeler who just plugs the polls in, throws his hands in the air, and makes zero attempt to model the suppression.


The is a fraud! Zikzak fixed the results and threw away posts with his throttling!

These results need to be thrown out!

6000 plus or bust!


One of the problems with just outright rigging the vote count is the potential for a major fuckup like boosting turnout for a candidate by 60% in a huge precinct where Hillary fucking crushed.


They literally did a trial run with the USPS to test it, got caught, got told not to, and everyone was like “Oh it’s fine they were told not to.” Unstuck, as always, was like “Yeah, well who’s gonna fucking stop them?”

I’m not saying we won Florida if all the votes counted, but it would’ve been SUPER close.


The USPS/South Florida thing is seriously f’d up, but there’s gotta be a significant portion of voters who - when their ballot never arrived - showed up to the polls. I’d think.

The election is about to begin. ie the true election which is what kind of lol fuck you shenanigans can the GOP get away with.

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This is why Biden must fucking HODL. House will investigate, DOJ will prosecute.

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i’d bet heavily against 27% number

One of the problems the Dems have with the GOP doing this is the Dems are spineless and it also hurts their narrative to call voting fraud. Plus it’s not like FL is anywhere near recount territory.

USPS thing is infuriating but only a little more than people waiting that fking close to the election to mail their shit back in. I received my ballot in SEPTEMBER. That doesn’t mean the Miami Dade kids did too but there was simply no excuse to wait that long to mail them back, or to not check the Web site to see if it had been received by Election Day and go vote in person if not.

A lot of states had ways to track your absentee ballot. I think if there were massive, systemic issues with them being delivered, we would have heard about it.


Stopping counting doesn’t help Trump. That’s why they’re already pivoting to, “Well, you gotta count the LEGAL ballots.”