The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Didn’t see any mention of this itt but maybe I missed it? Turns out Joe didn’t actually run behind Hillary in Miami, Trump just somehow turned out 200,000 more votes out of nowhere.




So a strong split for Biden in those outstanding (def a possibility with mail-in in mostly Atlanta) would win Georgia!

Florida results almost certainly suspect


I think the legalize weed thing is not really right. Lotta people would hate that. Lotta people that vote would hate that. I know weed has won a lot of state-wide votes, but hardly all of them. Still not legal in PA, FL, AZ, WI, NC, GA.

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Been working for 7 hours & trying to read this thread… Phew!!! Finished

Never really slept last night either…

Good Luck Joe, you’re gonna need it, being a centrist in politics in 2020 is a small narrow place to be sitting, here’s hoping you move left and stop being so Mr Nice… But I suspect we’ll be seeing you take from the poors all over again, best wishes though.


Can someone help me understand why 2022 is so good for the Dems in the Senate? Toomey retiring so MAAAAYBE a PA pickup… aaaaand MAYBE Ron Johnson loses? Mark Kelly will need to hold on to his seat as will our Senators from NV and NH.

It’s really amazing that GA is so close. In my 20+ years here, Dem presidential candidates have had no chance. I hope it’s a real shift instead of just anti-Trump votes.


I’ve been running through scenarios in my head. If he was half way competent he would of won in a landslide.

First stimulus: Obama bailed out the banks and special interest last time the economy was in trouble. I care more about you, the great people of this nation. We are not bailing out corporations, we are going to do an emergency UBI of 2K a month for every adult in this great nation.

We are not shutting down but wear a mask and be safe. Keep distance and avoid large gatherings. The democrats want to take away your freedom, I’m not going to do that but as a nation we need to come together and defeat this china virus.

He wins in a landslide.


It’s almost entirely attributable to Stacey Abrams. She bridged the gap between white progressives and the black political establishment. Much better organization and GOTV effort than in 2016.


Trump going off on Twitter, including on some bullshit RT of someone who screen shotted DDHQ doing the update one candidate at a time and claiming Biden got 100% of a new update.

Trump needs to make 31 off two overs with two wickets remaining and one genuine batsman out there. Biden has a yorker specialist to bowl the final over.

Edit: it is possible the guy bowling the second to last over has had contact with an Indian bookie and is susceptible to spot-fixing.


From the start those Miami #s were the biggest surprise and most shook I was the whole night. Also expected there was a decent chance of shenanigans of course…


Yea someone mentioned last night that GA used to be called for the GOP within seconds after the polls closed.


Some general thoughts that I’m pretty sure are correct but also lolcertainty in 2020:

  1. Voter rights and misinformation regulation need to be absolute top priorities. I don’t know that we can reduce political tribalism in general, but the last few years have proven to the GOP that they can make their tribe turn out as long as they keep them terrified. We need elections to be policies vs. policies, not “SOCIALIST BABY TORTURERS VS NOBLE GOD EMPERORS.”

  2. Biden needs to fire everyone hired by Trump and replace them with strongly Dem civil servants. No more both-sides bullshit. Fill the gov with competence and empathy everywhere you legally can.

  3. Zero chance Trump runs effectively in four years. ZERO. His brain and body are both melting.


I think the virus handling was his nature and there was no he could have been himself and handled it differently. But, I think he could have strategically supported $15/hr or M4A, but was either catering to donors, trying to win what he thought was a crucial class of voters, or just class-loyalty-kinda-like-Marx-was-right-about-that-part-anyway.

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That was me!

(state legislature is still fucked, though)

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Matt Walsh got “famous” for saying gay and trans people were mentally ill. On brand for Trump to retweet his dumb shit.

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I hope I live long enough to witness the “shy AOC voter” effect.


27%? But don’t freak out - I doubt this is real.


Everyone keep in mind that the mayor or county commish or whatever for Miami-Dade is a GOP who helped Trump by shutting down AA Arena as a voting site.