The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Yes. We are. Everything besides PA will get called today and that will be enough.


It’s not fine. All this lends credibility to the righed narrative.


The error posted was with an Edison Research data feed. Neither Fox or AP who both called it for Biden use this data.


My understanding is they’re counting but just won’t report. Not sure it really matters but in some ways this is kind of the more responsible approach. Say, “Here’s when we know for sure we’ll have our unofficial final numbers - we’ll give you them then”.


Nevada is definitely not getting called. It’s been posted multiple times. Do you have a different source?

Edit: Looks like I shouldn’t have let my pony ship that tweet with the USPS. Oops.


Looks like there’s a possibility that they chose to expedite delivery of ballots rather than process them completely. So it’s not clear yet what the actual undelivered rate is. (Still terrible)

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Not unitl we do a deep dive behind the disastrous hispanic vote

Fucking clown show country


Always a chance. A bunch of states have laws that prevent changes. But not all. It would be a shitty sweat.

I posted the list of States with their rules earlier, but got poo-poo’d that I was worrying about it too early.

Here: Presidential Elections - FairVote

Worst thing about the USPS thing, is that a lot of states won’t count anything that arrives after election day. Effectively just denying people’s votes

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Probably supporting legalized weed and permanent daylight savings time would have been enough to push him over the top.

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Interesting to know if Trump didn’t go for more popular positions on health care and minimum wage because he was afraid of losing the Mitt Romney kind of Republicans. If so, with the Dems going all out for the Mitt Romney Republicans, that really put them in the driver’s seat (well, they probably have chauffeurs). So, like nothing new.

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This and naked ballots, mismatched signatures, etc, not being counted is going to be a not insignificant part of the polling miss in certain states.

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Just drank some coffee. Should be good to go for another 2-24 hours.

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Fox news was literally a NDA fueled rape factory for the entire time roger ailes was in charge. Maybe someone should’ve looked into that.


I mean, if I was in charge of making the rules, it would be easy. Mail-in votes count if postmarked by election day. They will be counted whenever they arrive, even if it’s two weeks later. Mail-ins can be verified and counted immediately upon arrival, no matter how early.

Also, lots of drop boxes and early voting locations, as much as funding, staffing, and security allow.


EDIT: Also, don’t give a fuck about naked ballots. Interior envelope is highly suggested, but optional.

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