The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Does anybody think we’re getting a network call of the race today?

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Or just say he supports it, then don’t do it and blame the Dems.

I certainly don’t. Others thought I was crazy.

We probably get calls on WI and MI today, but they won’t call NV right now and nothing new comes out there til tomorrow… So we need to get a call on PA/GA, which seems less likely.

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I think almost no chance. Nevada is too close to call and said they’re not updating until tomorrow.


Looks like Biden probably has WI and MI. If NV holds (sounds like it will, but fingers crossed), then all he needs is one of AZ, PA, and GA, which I would think he’ll get.

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Please remember we all have a common enemy - let’s act like it.


He tried to dance around this with health care, but he could have just really done something about it. It wouldn’t really have cost him that much. I know he doesn’t want to pay the people who clean hotel rooms more, but, like I said, being POTU$ has enough perks to make up for it.

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So hard to tell, depends on how much the margins are and what gets counted. My guess is that we’ll know who won, but not sure who will call it

Don’t think any network wants to take that chance even if their quants in the backroom are sure of it.

I thought AZ was called last night? Is it back on the table?

Yes, plus Biden is winning Maripoca county by 6 points with the election day vote, should hopefully win early votes by an even larger margin.


I’m dying to post my victory gif that only @RiskyFlush will appreciate, but I guess it can wait

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How the fuck do we have a count error in Arizona. Fuck America. Fuck it so hard.

It’s fine. The missing votes are mostly for Biden


Not everyone has called it yet, Trump’s campaign is loudly complaining that it shouldn’t have been called.
Fox and AP both called it for Biden.

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Someone, someday will have to explain to me how Nevada just takes today off from counting, and decides they’ll finish tomorrow.


I know this is way out there thinking, so bear with me, but it seems to me that simply counting up who got the most votes nationwide would be the best method for determining the President.


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So if Biden gets exactly 270, is there any chance of this thing being screwed up by a faithless elector? Like I imagine between Trump, Putin, and shady megadonors having Russian intelligence and private investigators going after each Dem elector for blackmail or bribes or anything and they only have to find one or two they can turn in the 270.