The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Holy shit, all the counters (e.g., NYT) were showing >98% counted for Arizona, but now it’s really 86%??? I sure hope the error is with mail-in.

I have Biden needing 2/3 of outstanding. Depends on the mail-in ballots.

It’s election day vote outstanding in AZ I believe.

ruh roh zona

The 2022 senate map is great and the chuds aren’t gonna turn out without Daddy on the ballot. Two more years of positive demographic changes too.

Team long term optimism here. But boy is it gonna be a painful wait.


Don’t tell me AZ is pulling a fucking Daniel Jones

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Still should be okay. Most of what’s left is Maricopa, Apache and Cochise. Should be two for us and one for them, unless Maricopa breaks for Trump in what’s left instead of Biden. If Fox News blew the whole thing with a bad call early in the night, calm cuse is going bye bye.

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That’s more reason to bring Ethiopians here. Maybe an exchange with Trump voters? It might do all parties involved some good.


There is a small chance of 50/50 Senate. Very small.

Btw the calls by AP and Fox News were made with like 82% reporting, so I don’t think this changes anything.

AZ is a GREAT insurance policy, but that’s what it is. If something drastic happens and we lose it, then we still win if we win PA.

I dumped my AZ shares, but only because I am hoping for a Trump tweet/statement that makes the market do absurdly stupid shit and then I’ll get back in.

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Jfc I slept 5 hours from 2-7. And just spent 4 hours scrolling trying to catch up.

Now that things are looking optimistic, how long until Barr weighs in?

Fuck good call.

On the other hand, if Trump decides not to subvert democracy, I forego a little profit and all is well, better outcome for the country. But, you know, we all know what he’s gonna do.

Barr is in Macao with Tom Dwan. Triads got him.


248k+ early votes still to count


Early votes, so that’s us.


Long term optimism is Texas.

It’s kind of shocking how easy it would have been for Trump to win and he didn’t do it. He could have just supported $15/hr and maybe M4A. It would have just involved betraying his class interests, but there’s no way that being POTUS doesn’t more than make it up for him per$onally.