The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Same. In 4 group text messages trying to talk people down from the ledge starting around 9pm est

So who wants to start a political data firm? I’m sure I can rope in my brother to be the quant if nobody wants the slot (he’s investable… and honestly you’ve gotta be better than him to get it, which means that most of you who could get the job don’t want it) and we have plenty of gambling talent here. Here’s a thought… we should use the data from the internet to predict elections instead of asking people questions.

It sucks but I’m not very confident in what people tell pollsters right now. Let’s stop asking them and start checking their digital receipts.


Basketball, but the Supreme Court could decide we’re playing football


I agree with all of this, it all seems correct and perfectly reasonable to me.

But tone matters. Messaging matters.

I’ve been a Democrat all my life. I’ve always voted straight D tickets and supported/donated to Dem candidates and causes. It has only been within the past few cycles that my values and ideals have begun shifting leftward and I began being interested in “progressive” causes. And frankly there are a lot of others out there like me who are gettable.

We are, and will be, a helluva lot more gettable if Dem Socs can sell us on their ideas than we will be if we’re told we’re selfish and stupid and should just fuck right the fucking fuck off for not abjectly agreeing with everything coming out of their mouths. And I’m exponentially more receptive to those who can manage to articulate the message like imjosh and tabakker and d10 without coming across as class a asswholes than I am others posting itt who, frankly, cannot.

That’s my point. We see this all the time on Twitter and saw a TON of it in 2016, and the foreigners exploited it bigly to our detriment. Dems and Bros are so busy fighting with each other that they forgot oh yeah there’s a goddamned fascist over on the other side over there, maybe we should do something about that guy?

We are rapidly turning into the UK minus the good healthcare system: while the left and the left left argue over how left they should be, the minority of deplorables unite and form a stranglehold on the country for 40 fucking years. Good times.


That seems… not favorable. Biden can’t win 75% of these ballots.

Still might be enough to force runoff in Ossoff/Perdue with the Libertarian getting > 2%.

He can absolutely win 75% of absentee ballots… but yeah it’s going to be tight. Thankfully we don’t need GA right now.

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I agree. People have a habit of thinking they know stuff that they don’t.

Here’s a chap who just knew he was about to win Britain’s biggest race:

I’m gonna sign off the social media stuff for the day (including here). I’ll leave with one more WAAF. The vote counting will likely finish in MI today, and while Biden will almost assuredly win, Peters margin doesn’t seem to be closing as fast, and could get dicey.

Yeah but do I know them IRL and trust them with my $5K plus the winnings? No.



Last I saw, Peters was ahead.

Oh, I thought you were talking about huge sums worth the effort that might need a written agreement.

As you were!



How the heck has Twitter not flagged that shit yet that he posted?

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They’re chinese and i sweat for what i bill. They’ll get their moneys worth, just not quickly.

PS if ur chinese and want to sue someone, do so in california.

This. The polls were wrong, but let’s not assume it was as massive of a miss as it currently appears. Votes are going to keep trickling in, might shave a couple points. Also I know I’m a broken record, but we need to also see how many mail-in ballots were tossed for envelope issues, signature issues, etc… Because polling doesn’t factor that in at all.


Grunching but I think this gets called today. The only question left in my mind is what all the MAGA white supremacists do in response.


Yeah, but none of these ballots are subject to all the bullshit lawsuits Trump filed. Those were about stuff like “if I mailed my ballot a week or two ago but it didn’t arrive until Nov. 4 or 6 or whatever, should it still count?” We know all the counted ballots so far arrived indisputablely on time yesterday.

Now we are just drawing down to insane stuff like can a R gerrymandered state legislator in Wisconsin, Michigan, etc. award the states votes to whoever they want under a technical (and incorrect) reading of the Constitution. Have seen no appetite for stuff like that, even far right judges have been fairly reasonable in all the election cases so far.


I’m very interested in something along those lines.

Not sure where you’re seeing this but I’m showing James with a 35K vote lead and 93% reporting. I’ll leave the DOOOMMMM stuff until we have a final count, but this current margin is at least concerning.