The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

He has tweeted.

I was wrong on Texas, but I called Ohio dead when a lot of the forum thought we were favored there. It wasnā€™t blind optimism.

Main thing I was wrong on was how bad we did with Hispanic voters, and thatā€™s why I was wrong on Texas. My two big takeaways from FL were that we were OK in the rust belt due to the results in suburban counties and Okaloosa, and that the Hispanic vote didnā€™t correlate and AZ and TX were in play. I was very wrong on TX, but on point on the rest.

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Thank you :facepunch:

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Letā€™s wait until the votes are fully in before comparing the results to the polls.

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Iā€™m only at 20, but Iā€™m at like 44 of the last 48 or something ridiculous like that.

We should kill be everyone of child bearing age that voted from Trump. easiest eugenics test ever.


I went to sleep last night knowing we probably had AZ. Iā€™m not saying I slept well but I slept.

How are you turning into a more interesting poster drunk? (Youā€™re fine sober lol)

he will if they get counted

calm is only because of where we were not that long ago, where many were staring at giant trump leads in states and Ohio just went maga hard trump from polling at -1 from the beginning that started out with yet again a horror in Florida.

oh and trump claimed he won and insisted the rest of the votes shouldnā€™t count (this was before the big WI/MI reveal flips)

except arizona because he is behind there

No prob, weā€™re all exhausted and unloading 4 years of one kind of stress and saddling up 4 years of a new kind. Love you all!


Iā€™d now like a more sollid margin from MI. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a state thing but I thought within .5% = recounts in a lot of places?


Trump is now at the bargaining stage of grief

The real loser of this election is that poor bloke waiting on a report from @simplicitus.


Itā€™s gonna take a lot to shake my WAAF that Iā€™ve been building up for 4 years but why are we so confident now? If we win itā€™s gonna be by <100k votes right? Isnā€™t this a huge sweat still?

Donā€™t give me hope

How do we feel about GA going Bidenā€™s way?

Weā€™re up 4 with 2 seconds left on the clock

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Isnā€™t the margin like ~100K right now? Youā€™d need a massive edge in these ballots to close that gap. If there were somehow 300K ballots out there, Iā€™d say perhaps.

What sport?


What was the final amount he settled on with AWICE?