The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I don’t even know what’s going on anymore when I’ve been a top quarter of the forum optimist for the last 12 hours.


At this point any forecaster whose model shows uncertainty being equally likely in either direction is committing professional malpractice. It is quite clear that polls are consistently off in GOP favor and should be accounted for.

He won like 1.3M from AWice, right?

Showing Biden ahead in MI now.


MI just turned blue.


Without it we’re at exactly 270. You feel comfortable with that?

Have to see where Trump goes from here… Is he going to be content with just rhetoric from McConnell and Co. that “Ds stole the election from him” or is he going to strike out with vengeance and burn the party down if McConnell and the Supreme Court do not take active steps to illegitimately keep him in power?

You and me both, brother.

old school 2+2er who is a bit of a character

Acting AG, because he’s not getting anyone confirmed. And the SC will say actually acting isn’t legal if it’s a Democrat administration, gotta just let some deputy assistant run things until Biden can get someone confirmed. The deputy assistant will of course be some Trump loyalist holdover.

Float gently o’er the wind, beauty love brick!

not sure they finished that bet. He won 200k of Dan Smith, 400k off Mercier and a couple 100 of Ben Lamb just from bets where he was giving ridic odds on Biden when it was a flip

Michigan has flipped per cnn!


Maybe the strategy of “yeah our guy sucks and doesn’t offer you anything you want, but if you vote for him first you might be able to convince him to offer you things you want” isn’t how the Democratic Party should approach electoral politics. Crazy, I know.


it would help a lot.

if you like poker players, most of them lost a lot of money to him.

So we just need a strong mandate from Biden to help the people and the dems to win a messaging war, well when you put it like that it seems easy enough

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Times has Joe up 2K

That would mean Harris has a decent chance.

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It was never a flip.