The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

imagine being that fucking stupid…

how exactly

facts are never what they seem to be.

We are at 47 right now. I’m assuming we win MI, and then two runoffs in GA.

The ballots are 47k Fulton and the remainder from one of the neighboring suburbs. I want to say Dekalkb? Apparently there are also some additional absentees in other urban areas like Savannah, etc.

Owls are not what they seem

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Gotta give him credit


For real? That’s very very not good for stability in the next few days in this country. Fox News could cause violence doing this shit.

People, especially on our side, are election fatigued as fuck. I don’t like the prospect of a double runoff in GA going our way

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Yeah, I think this may be true too. I think we underestimated the call of OFB.


What I told my wife before bed last night is that I thought Biden was going to win, but that if it’s this close, it seems hopeless. Not even because he’s a racist and he’s human scum, but because of the complete breakdown in the feedback loop between performance and electoral success. Being associated with a meltdown like this has to cost you power. Trumps numbers barely changed, and the GOP as a whole is just fine. Why should anyone (GOP or Dem) even try to help the country? There’s nothing in it for them.




Yes, that’s correct, just Fulton and Dekalb. There are others from around the state but those are the two big baskets left because they had to stop counting.

Would be nice if someone shops Wice’s avatar sans supercars.


I don’t either, but I don’t think control of the Senate is like a 1 in 1000 shot right now. Just need to hold MI, do well in the remaining GA count, and then win statewide (again) in January.

Hurry the hell up Michigan!

i am not a burning building. I’m a government man.

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It’s a lmost like he should be adjusting for voter suppression or something…

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Whoever it was on this forum who warned that OFB could make Nevada closer than expected seems like a pretty sharp dude.

Who is this and why do we care?