The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Yup. A bandage on a stab wound.

Far left businesses itt

Yes. Not born bad of course, but made bad from an early age.

They have to rethink the whole American Exceptionalism bollocks, be more honest about how their history is taught and get rid of the nauseating flag waving and moronic anthem cheering.

Iā€™m gonna call Maga morons not taking a Biden vaccine as a win. Thin the herd and whatnot. But they are all pussies and will take it.

lve done the math and considered the positions. Biden wins. fuck America in for being close.

I think Biden will drag him over the line, but its going to be close.

Ok what the shit just just happened?

Predictit just dipped and bounced 10 points.

If you can stand it, you really should turn on Fox News right now. Itā€™s complete and total fucking insanity.

Theyā€™re interviewing a Women for Trump group in Wisconsin. Older women. Indoors. With no masks on. In a fucking diner. Screaming and yelling at a table.

Ok I canā€™t catch up on 1k+ posts, but things look more ok today right? Weā€™re on track to hit 270 on the nose and maybe bink PA too, and now weā€™re fading legal and/or violent hurdles?



Georgia has started counting. There are 127000 absentee votes outstanding. Trump leads by 104,000 votes. Itā€™s possible, but probably not likely.

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I would love to look back historically and see if you just bet the dog in every election, then waited for the swings, how much money you could get down on both sides as dogs lolā€¦ These markets always swing irrationally it seems.

Yes. Chillax. Donā€™t pop the bubbly, but do keep it on ice.

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Republicans just need a slightly more competent candidate and thereā€™s no way Harris is winning 2024. Ivanka or Don Jr. seem like they would be locks.


Iā€™m mildly annoyed I got all my dry powder down in advance and didnā€™t get any money on Bovada. I would have been absolutely pounding Biden +600 or whatever it got to.


4 dogs in the distance. each stands for a kindness. gonna hold the world to its word.

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ā€œThis feels a lot like 1856,ā€ is what I would be saying if this was all happening in 1880, probably.


NYT says Fulton County is >98% counted. No way do the other counties go 5:1 Biden, IMO.

I donā€™t think this is necessarily chillax time. Weā€™re basically exactly where we didnā€™t want to be: losing a court case in any state might be ballgame. And PA doesnā€™t look particularly promising to me.

But better than last night.

When my business stopped earlier this year, I put my small poker role into the family pool (few K as a rec player). So while I wanted to put some money in before going to sleep since my math had me pretty convinced, I couldnā€™t.

(When this over Iā€™ll refund the pokerz account, assuming live is worth playing.)

Could have more than doubled my money looks like.

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