The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Just barely scraping a win against an incompetent gameshow host in the middle of a pandemic crisis. It’s not looking good for the Dems moving forward. Just too many MAGA cultists out there.



I lost a bunch in 2016. I actually bailed on bets incorrectly because I’m a panicker.

lol dems were bailed out by a once in a lifetime pandemic where the president had the worst possible response to. What a great political party


ya the district level polls

Yes, the district-level polls too. He’s expert in local level polling.

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Are fake Trump tweets allowed on this forum? Asking for a friend.


Joe Biden’s corpse was a poor candidate. Most of us always knew that.

Obviously mail in votes clearly missing but as of current counts if you gave every seat repubs led to them and every seat dems led to the dems the Repubs would trail by 1 seat I believe!

Yeah all the South Florida dem seats are going bye bye poof gone. Shalala was trash but a reliable vote at least.

There were a few open seats in other states where we were expecting to make gains but not winning a single one of them.

I’m assuming state outcomes are no better so the with Trump’s rigged census the gerrymandering is gonna be legendary. We’re not fucked for a decade we are perma fucked.

No way, I snap elect Biden’s corpse over either of the candidates offered.


Facebook users.

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Harris is going to lose 2024 if it comes to that. Probably to Donald J. Trump.


yep especially if the economy even remotely tanks in the next 4 years

Trump will be dead by 2024 inshallah.


oh so how about you resign you fucking quack.

There’s a saying ‘you get the politicians you deserve’. Never been truer.

Michigan has tightened. 26K deficit with 780k to go.

Next update???

Exactly. To be fair, its a human failing to assume current conditions will more or less persist, but I think Americans are particularly prone to believing that their position as global leaders is just a fact. Their ignorance of global affairs is going to get them blindsided when other countries start pandering to China instead of them. This is already happening - Canada is increasingly accommodating to China for example, while negotiating more aggressively with the US on trade.

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Right, but the difference between you and the US is that you are one person and the US is 160m voters. In your analogy you’re free to go for a walk if the doctor prescribes it. In the reality of amending the constitution I can’t go for a walk even if I want to because I need the agreement of 2/3 of congress or 2/3 of states to let me out of my cell.

The constitution makes itself very difficult to amend. It requires a level of support that just isn’t there. It requires agreement between the parties when the benefits would skew towards one alone and at a time when the two party’s electorates are absolutely at each other’s throats.