The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I actually think last night, because of the weird mail-in stuff and the other unusual variables, was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make fairly soft retirement money if you have big gamboooool. Sucks that I’m weak and a panicker.

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I’m really not sure about this, but I think this is one of those Senate procedure things and not the law and the Senate could theoretically vote on something without the majority leader.

Am I correct that millions of people who didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 did in 2020?

Who in the actual, all that is holy, fuck are these people?


That’s not a good example because at no point was it ever the largest global economy or dominant cultural influence.

Early 20th century Britain might be a better parallel when it got its nose bloodied through arrogance abroad, and downsized PDQ when a world war made it necessary and desirable.

Deplorables. We have baskets and baskets full of them.


look who just showed up


Question - what if all the extant Amendments were somehow wiped out (say by some procedural grounds) but we all remembered what they were. How many would be able to get ratified again in the current US? Over the next decade let’s say.

Not entirely true - if the senate is barely lost, there’s still 2022.

Despite what looks like a Biden win; I am more jaded than ever about this country. I cannot wrap my head around how this many people voted for Trump. Like I seriously think I have a piece of my brain missing to comprehend this.


Yeah the only thing I want to hear less about in the future than poals is the magical DISTRICT POALS.


Good luck getting Nate to even say point 2. He’ll say margin of error, fuck off newbs.

It’s a huge and almost entirely unguarded border.


Really needs a big beautiful wall.

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As an illegal immigrant? That won’t appeal to many people with well-salaried jobs and families.

At this point I’m rooting for a scenario where congress picks the president and the senate picks the VP.

We still have to fade alllllll kinds of riggage even if we win official counts. Faithless electors, courts, “lost” ballots, drowned??? ballots. I’m actually moving surprisingly quickly toward acceptance.


it’s a tough sentence and i haven’t slept in literally days, but he is saying his polls were bullshit right?

wtf is going on in the house? we are going to lose seats? WTF

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this is why GA and PA are still super important. If Biden gets > 300 it will be hard to steal