The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Maybe not Georgia actually.

Yes, Iā€™ve been trying to explain this to my wife but she doesnā€™t get it.

One thing I think you guys need to be careful about is thinking ahead to 2024/2028 without adjusting for changes in Americaā€™s position in the world. China is likely to surpass the US as the worldā€™s economic superpower this decade. Certainly by 2032 the world will kind of be leaving the US behind as the center of influence moves to Beijing - the impact of that on the US economy is going to be massive. Who knows how that will filter down politically

I wish I could be this confident. Betting markets do seem to be bearing you out but 2020 man

Good question. Maybe I should liquidate, then pile back in when the MAGA folks pump up PI again on the recount news.

No, this is based on vote counts. Everything that came before was poles.

Also donā€™t sleep on Georgia apparently, per the nates.

My limit for the election was 15K, I had 15.2K down before it started. Once I was extremely confident it was a lock and some of my bets were already locks to win, I tried to get $5K more down at +185 but I couldnā€™t because I donā€™t have BTC or money on Bovada.


Elections are just like poker in that every dude knows they are an expert and no amount of evidence to the contrary will ever shake them from that conviction.

Also like poker in that wagering on them is morally wrong and you should stop doing that.


Well, because in Michigan for example, itā€™s like a ton from Detroit, and itā€™s mostly mail, which Biden has been cleaning up so far.


Iā€™m not pulling it out of my ass, though. Iā€™ve been all over DDHQ all night. Still lots outstanding in Wayne County in MI, weā€™re good.


I love the idea that people here think they can waltz into any country on a whim because xyz.

Most of the good options have been listed in another thread.


We do have one example of a global superpower that fell behind, and thatā€™s Russia, which is basically an dictatorship/oligarchy failed state at this point. Feels like we are drawing really live to that outcome.


Ok Iā€™m off the ledge a bit. Biden has this locked up. It will be interesting to see what Trump does when he wakes up to an ass kicking.


I love u man


I know a lot of poker players, and outside of this forum, they were very dumb last night. They didnā€™t even bother to look up when states release certain kinds of votes, and there were absolutely massive edges available in the early morning because most people placing bets on stuff are dumb.

I had as much $ in play as Iā€™ve ever had on anything, but the truth is it wasnā€™t enough. Iā€™m really risk averse with putting money on sites and I donā€™t have Bitcoin, so I didnā€™t get down too many bets. But my friends were texting me stuff like Biden +600, Biden +250 in Michigan and I was like listen I canā€™t guarantee you will win but just smash for as much as you can spare.

But a lot of these guys bailed.


not taking money from Trumptards is morally wrong



Is Wayne County actively counting and reporting this morning? Havenā€™t seen their numbers change much in the last hour. In fact Trump pulled back ahead by about 15K votes in MI.

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