The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

it’s been an emotional ride, but yeah, it’s a relief.

There actually is a solution to the electoral college problem, which I mentioned earlier.

Trumps EOs were largely toothless and he had the courts at his back. Biden will likely be the most ineffective president of all fucking time. Following the trend of US politics he likely gets wafflecrushed in the 2022 mid-terms, and who knows what happens in 2024 when the GOP realizes their playbook of running fascist authoritarian charismatic strognmen is still viable. Fuck.

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So we’re going to win? Civil war time?

I’ve fully pivoted to what a shitty presidency this is going to be with a 78 year old centrist at the helm and Cocaine Mitch still running the Senate.


Take the bootstraps shit to Brietbart, you might fit in better there.

It’s mail-in vote, and so far it’s all gone our way.

only hope (and it’s a faint hope) is the Biden and a Democratic house are going to carpet bomb the senate with popular legislative initiatives, and pass as much as possible during reconciliation.

worse, plan A was to run out the clock and the minority vote share would go up enough that nobody would vote for them because of all the shit except instead many chose to agree with it.

Hard to tell where to go from here without really thinking about it on all specific issues. (other than not trying to appeal to republicans)

Collins is still drawing live to a loss here. There’s still like 30 percent of the vote out, Collins is below 50 percent, we have no idea the makeup of the remaining votes (are they mail-ins, or in person), and ranked choice means 49.5 isn’t enough for Collins necessarily.

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Don’t think you can even bring up bills for a vote without the majority leader’s sign off.


Breaking News: Poltical betting markets are often wildly inaccurate, Biden was in the lead comfortably all night in actual equity.


that’s a weird thing to say in that tone. if you know where the market is inefficient you should be rich enough to hope that Trump wins.

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Yeah people need to chillax. Never forget that Trump is really fucking inept.

That’s true, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be sending them all the time.

??? I got most of my money in before the election, but I’ll end up making a nice little score on it. Why in the world would I hope Trump wins? Do I strike you as someone who would trade slightly lower taxes for fucking over massive swaths of humanity?

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Let me save you guys some time: They’re not letting you in. Trust me, I’ve looked into it.


I mean is it victory meme time? WI or MI close enough for recounts? A new thread title, etc.?

that was a joke about super rich people.

The market was at +400 for a while, you could have easily gotten tons of money there, is all i’m saying.

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