The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

what in the flying fuck is going on with US markets. UP Massively on disputed election and/or a republican senate with a Dem president/house!?

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Its America.

We love us some drama in America.

yep it the same reason people here hate Rogan. They hate the bro culture and are not willing to look past that even if it means getting progressive policy passed

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Pretty sure Trump isnā€™t winning Detroit mail-in vote.

Again, Trump wins USA sans CA by a million votes (loses CA by 4 mil). What a country.

Howā€™s the Senate going?

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Someone give me confidence on nevada. It seems close

48 to 49 depends on Peters

Itā€™s both. ā€œRestore the $15 minimum wage, just like the white male founders intended, for great capitalism!ā€ would clean house.


Obviously room for things to go wrong. But the timeline were in was talked about quite a bit. I suspect when this is all over we donā€™t actually end up that far from where people thought weā€™d be. Including with the days/week long waiting for results.

remaining votes are mail in from Vegas

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Because of where itā€™s coming from and method those votes were cast were expected to lean heavily dem, and so far that has show to be true.

theres almost no ballots left to count, and its mail-in stuff

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Man looking through presidential maps 04 to 08 to 12 to 16 to 20 (20 is only the southwest different (NM/AZ/NV) than 04, youā€™d think this timeline was all boring as shit.

00 isnā€™t much different either

I just noticed thisā€“every year thereā€™s so much hype and itā€™s nearly the same map each time for the last 20 years.

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Imagine suggesting going for a walk to someone with no legs. Or suggesting a homeless person eat better. Thats the situation. There are 234928401489 things to address before just your changes.


No, most of the ranked choice votes for 3rd party candidates will probably have Gideon 2nd, so it will be close. Getting Collins out would put us at 49 though and the only shot left at 50 is NC or a GA runoff, neither of which look particularly likely.

Well, so much for passing laws. Biden better not be shy with those EOs.


Just woke up, are we burying the lede here?

As in, Biden won? The Presidency?

PI has WI/MI/AZ/NV at 90 cents. NE2 called. PA & GA is gravy.

This is GREAT given the state of things last night when Biden crashed to like +600?

I may be with simp here.


Donā€™t catch you slippinā€™ now


I just spent 5 minutes on this map, itā€™s bad I donā€™t see where the votes are to catch her even with ranked choice. Maybe thereā€™s enough absentees but itā€™s maineā€¦

Stop being so defeatist, just use your magic wand and change the entire makeup of the country, senate, house, and Supreme Court so we can get rid of the EC, itā€™s that simple