The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Biden wins WI, MI, AZ, PA. Fuck you all.


When there’s evidence of it. There may be some silver lining in that they may have been mostly off due to the pandemic. Shit, even I let my mail ballot application rot away on my kitchen counter and then decided fuck it, I guess I vote in person, and I’m supposed to be one of the top 5% engaged people. People way lazier and less motivated than me may have done the same, and then decided that cramming into a COVID infested church after work wasn’t worth it.

Biden won chill.

I completely understand this. Cancer is a good analogy. Lots of people die from cancer. It’s not because they are closed to the possibility that not having cancer would be better. It’s because many cancers can’t be fixed, or fixing them requires invasive surgery or poisonous medicines that would kill the patient as well. At least they get to die on morphine and don’t have their doctors piously lecturing them about how they should really get rid of that cancer somehow. “Don’t you understand that if you don’t get those rapidly dividing cells out of your pancreas you’re going to die?”


Except there wasn’t an issue of people not voting. We’re going to have record turnout, no?

Biden’s about to pull ahead in MI, which will have him ahead for 270 electoral votes. They don’t need to halt it, they need to roll it back.


I think we’ll find that it’s not the socialism, it’s the culture war stuff.

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I’d read an article on how susan collins shit works. It’s incredible really.

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We. Don’t. Need. PA. But we’re going to get it anyway.

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This is the standard election, cept Trump won FL and GA and TX.

Would you shut the fuck up man. Like 3 people argued you were wrong and you’ve been telling the entire site to fuck off for hours.


Remember how dismissive we/everyone was towards his insane rallies, since they “polled badly”? The polls were hilariously wrong, so why not on that too? The rallies almost won him the race

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The only thing I can think of is that STONKS hate uncertainty. The country didn’t burn to the ground last night so … STONKS!


How are people still panicking? Biden is going to pull ahead in MI within minutes. Everything left is coming in for Biden by various margins. We’re going to open up on the edge in WI, win MI, and probably win PA.

Thus as it was all night. I don’t care if I literally predict that the blue sky will fall and suffocate us in a month, nobody better ever rip on me for panicking about anything else ever again after the shit show 90% of this thread was all night as I was calmly telling everyone we were good.




This is all based on the same wrong data that lead to us being where we are right now but all of a sudden it’s going to be totall accurate?

They’re going to get stable, competent, moderate leadership in the Oval and a GOP Senate to block tax increases and guarantee that any stimulus rains money from the skies down upon STONKS.

Pretty good outcome for Wall St.

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They’re also biased to maintaining the drama of a horse race (real or imagined) and we are more attuned to the risk of that blowing up into an antidemocratic SC appointed God King.


Right where we are ahead in WI with the outstanding vote being ours, down 5K in MI with the outstanding vote being ours, and I dunno PA but it’s good too I think. Right there? Yeah, that’s where we are.

Why are we so absolutely sure the remaining vote is ours?

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