The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

STONKS are going through the roof. I’m not really sure how to interpret that. I would think Biden win/GOP Senate is the literal worst case scenario for stonks.


Pretty sure she just has to be old enough before the inauguration.

The idea of a 50/50 Senate is gross anyways because we are drawing very live to Joe Fucking Manchin breaking ranks. Needed 51 or 52 to fade shit from the right of center dems.

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Yeah. “How are you going to pay for it?”

“Crime tax”

We won, and it was never in serious danger of turning out any differently all night. Networks are just being cautious.

Correlated to Biden wining. All night futures were correlated to Biden’s chances.

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Am I being a sweet summer child by thinking that Collins/RMoney could allow judges to get confirmed? Can a D minority force a vote on them?

Forget Bama :roll_eyes:

So then we need one of the run-offs. It looks like Maine and GA special. Will need to be an all out turnout war. LOLME

Declare a state of emergency to redirect funding for testing and contact tracing during coronavirus? Yeah, it’s not exactly super-controversial.

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No, McConnell/Graham won’t bring them up for a vote.

I’m confused by this thread because the results look pretty damn good to me. Back to bed

At what point do we begin to suspect election fraud when every poll across certain areas was wrong in the same direction?


There’s few judge openings anyway for now but I think with a 6-3 lead they may throw a bone for scotus if it’s a dem for a dem replacement


Ya this. This all makes no sense. I’m the least conspiracy thinking guy ever but how can this not be some kind of finger on the scale.


Like is so often the case, Trump is a coward when push comes to shove. He needed to order in Barr’s secret police to try to shut it down with force last night, not give a silly victory speech with pomp and circumstance. Maybe Barr actually does believe votes should count (lol don’t @ me narrator) and told him to shove it up his ass. Maybe Barr has covid and whoever is running DOJ saved us. Maybe Trump is just a blowhard moron and nobody suggested it to him.

Those votes are going on the board over the next few hours. They aren’t coming off. He might stop the votes that come in after 8pm 11/3 and before 11/6 in PA, but that’s it.

Ha! That’s the one judge I’m almost certain McConnell will never allow. Breyer could die Jan 21 and Mitch would hold it open.

ok i took a small break but aren’t we winning now? what should i be afraid of?

also I think Biden will be leading in NV, WI, MI before we even get to those counts that Trump is suppose to stop so what can he even appeal about

It’s always darker in the morning version of this thread.

I’m having a hard time catching up, but I also think it’s looking ok for Biden. Still a ways to go though.

100% of “undecideds” are guaranteed trump voters. The only important stat for dems is how much over 50% are you. If you’re under 50 you lose no matter how far “ahead” you seem.