The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Dems are never going to learn that the right response is, “The rich guys just don’t want to give you any help so they say I’m a socialist. Anyway, here’s some free healthcare, $15/hr, free tuition, etc.”


Cunningham’s little affair scandal or whatever it was could cost us the senate when it’s all said and done.

Yeah I’m going to process that side of it later. We knew we would have a fight left to fight even if Biden won. It looks like it’s going to be bigger than expected, but a lot of things still work in our favor eventually.

The levels of variance still available on this map right now is wild. Biden loss and Biden EV win bigger than 2016 still in play.

I want to know how many Cubans and Venezuelans voted for Trump because socialism is the worst, but also voted yes on the $15 min wage. I fucking hate people.


I hope we do. If all the votes are counted Biden wins. I fully expect an injuction to halt the count by a Trumpy federal judge tomorrow. In fact I see no reason why that isn’t the most likely outcome at this point. All hell is going to break loose in the next few hours. Trump will declare victory and challenged everywhere that matters. The courts are full of Trump judges.

We are relying on Gorsuch and appellate judges who are MAGA judges to save us. Fuck all of you who acted like this wasn’t the most likely outcome. Fuck all of you who poo-pooed the concern about the Kav opinion. No not really but I’m pissed off right now. It is absolutely coming to that now.

Been up for 27 hours straight and have a 45 minute online class to teach. I don’t think I’ll make it.

Thank God it’s my last class.


Man, what a mess.

Was probably worth it to him.

What a piece of garbage.

If the count is stopped tomorrow, Biden probably wins. He’ll be up in WI PA NV, most likely.



I think the math is good for Peters in Michigan too. Just looking at Wayne county, if things hold he is going to pick up like 140K in Detroit which is about 1/2 the outstanding vote. He is down 63k.

So that gets us to 50/50 and Harris as the tie-break


I’d go about it slightly differently but the gist is also what I think they should do in ads in FL I bet they never do. tie themselves to things that keep passing massively there and go yeah that’s OUR shit they want to take it away. (bonus points for running for senate in 2022 where the ad is “and I want to do that nation wide”)

Maybe they just want that and the R shit too and it’s a cake and eat it thing.

He is currently down 600k+ in PA and they can count 12000 ballots an hour or some dumb fucking shit. Biden won’t be up in PA for days if ever.

If the GOP somehow wins the House wouldnt that open up another lane to keep the presidency for them? Just make sure nobody is elected, Trump has to step down on the 20th of January and the speaker takes over who would be a republican if they win the house.

PA isn’t need if Biden pulls the 3 I mentioned.

What? If Peters holds still need two pickups to get to 50/50.

Where are you seeing those?

Can Harris tie break votes on senate rules? (Eg ending filibuster)

Yeah and it seems important to point out that 538 didn’t factor in suppression at all, and that’s probably a bigger factor than people think in the polling miss. Significant non-zero chance the polls were within the MOE of votes attempted to be cast, and the USPS wreaked havoc, “normal” suppression was big, people fucked up their ballots because they don’t usually vote by mail, etc.

We all knew we had to win big to overcome that. It seems like some people forgot that winning big meant in votes attempted to be cast, not in votes counted.

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Is the House flipping even on the table right now?? I’ve paid no attention.