The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Not sure if serious, but it’s not a bad point. I don’t know that he’s want to do it. He’s legit rich and doesn’t need the headache.

We are in a second straight cycle where our candidate campaigned at 25% of our opponent. That seems like it might matter.


His big donors will want to pump the markets up, so if Dems are willing to cave on that and/or a liability shield, he’ll likely do it. Those poison pills may not be so poisonous with where our economy is likely headed. Sucks that we have to get a shitty deal, but elections have consequences - and if we can’t take the Senate, we’re probably going to have to make a shitty deal.

Like 67% in FL voted for $15/hr.

True, but our candidate probably killed way fewer than 25% of what the other did via campaigning.

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Ehhh maybe I’m wrong, I’m absurdly tired and want a do-over on the Bernie landslide take.

The result of this election will likely kill way more than Covid.


i’ve been up for 25 hours now, can you translate? Biden needs to win 29% of remaining votes? He’s currently losing in MI so i know thats wrong but i cant understand, my brain broke

Culturally, maybe. But economically we’ve been getting less progressive for 40 years.


WI gives no ****s about covid that’s why it’s so bad

Yah I totally understand that feeling and I badly wanted a huge repudiation of Trumpism too. Badly badly.

But there is such a massively huge difference between 4 more years of President Trump and 2 years of a R Senate obstructing President Biden.

Like, insanely massively cataclysmically ultra maximally hyperbolically huge.

We gotta get there. We just have to.


Yes. Plus there’s billions of dollars of appropriated testing money that Trump hasn’t even spent.


This is an absolute nightmare. I think I’m done with US politics. Trump is going to either win or steal this now. I’m resigned to that. I just can’t follow it for 4 more years.

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GA and PA both flipped to blue on Predicit fwiw


I agree about healthcare and progressive policies, but we should pick our battles carefully and message on them carefully on culture war type stuff for the next 10 years or so. Best thing we can do is not talk about it, then be about it when we win - still without talking much about it. Like, for example, pack the SCOTUS and let them do it.

They’ve literally done that every election in FL I can remember, vote something left in a landslide but statewide the prog never wins, the moderate never wins, nobody ever wins.


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No fucking way. We lost FL and likely NC. TX, IA, and OH were all polling near toss-up and ended up not being close. We are dogs to take the senate. The best case scenario regardless of how this ends up is now “mild disappointment.” We wanted a blue wave repudiation of everything Trump pushing these MAGA chuds back into the fucking closet where they belong. Instead we are still sweating this a bit and polls that at initial glance seem more fucked than 2016. Polls look off by fucking 6 or 7 in the mid-west, which looks like it will end up being just not enough to get Trump over the hump, but JFC 7 god damned points how the fuck do we rationalize that?

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It’s a point on a bicycle wheel. The long term motion is onwards (what ever that means) but at various times you’re actually moving backwards.