The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I’m not as waaf as you guys. Trump is the more compelling candidate (like or hate), incumbent, very popular with base and we’re still going to win. This is not going to end up being an easy permanent democrat wave. These things seem to bounce back in forth, but over time this country has become more and more progressive and will continue to do so.

Only thing is that polls fooled us into thinking it was going to be easy. Hold faith that things will improve in the long run bros.


Wayne County is only 55% in right now acc to the commissioner of the county elections or whatever, she’s on CNN.

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Truman? LBJ? Your hypothesis holds for 3 cases in a sample size of six.

She’ll meet the age requirement on 13th October 2024. Is that too late for her if she has to declare earlier?

Not if she falls below 50%

I’m sort of surprised to show up here in the morning and see everyone so depressed when it looks like we went from Trump blowing us out to having a decent shot at winning?

You’re dead wrong. This is exactly what makes them happy. Sorry, we see the world so differently there’s no point in continuing. IMO you’re position is exactly the Nov 2016 “economic anxiety” argument to explain Trump’s win vs. Hillary. Its bullshit.

Regarding money for Covid response: Cant Biden just do the same like Donald and declare an national emergency and re-direct funds from the Pentagon?

No. She will be 35 on January 20th 2025. She is eligible to be president.

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The world is in a very dangerous reactionary phase right now. If we can weather this piece of shit and move forward everyone’s lives will be better


Downballot was a disaster and we are drawing live to Trump winning through the courts.

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the dread is not about Biden losing, its about nothing changing even if he wins. without the senate nothing changes


You misspelled Amy Klobuchar :confused:


Biden is only down by 54k in MI now and Wayne county is still only like 66 percent in. Honestly I don’t think Michigan is going to end up that close.


I’m at work. Hope I don’t get fired and a criminal charge.


Dems need to ditch the normal playbook. Biden needs to talk and tweet about that daily, and we need to send all the heavy hitters there early and often, and they need to say and do newsworthy stuff often.

You really think Biden is going to have the balls to do any of that shit? And even if he does supreme court gonna be like LOL nah

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Maybe Ossoff is live to a miracle with the Atlanta vote still out. It’s not called yet.


The executive is way more powerful than it used to be. The legislative branch did fucking nothing the last two years and yet a ton of things changed.

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