The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

havent read thread, drunk. just wanna say, fuck you all. Biden wins!


Excuse me according to the ads Iā€™ve seen 24/7 Kamala is the most liberal/progressive/communist member of the Senate

I mean, no theyā€™re not. And structural advantages relative to others does not in reality = happy with the status quo. Their entire universe is based on narratives around hoards of invading foreigners and vast pedophile rings and police being murdered in record numbers and oppressive mask measures etc that donā€™t exist.

I appreciate you man. I am just so fucking pissed off right now. I agree after going through the results that Biden will win barely but the rest really sucks. Iā€™m just tired of losing every election night. 2016, 2018(i realize we won a ton of house seats but lost where it really mattered which led to ACB) 2020 primary, 2020. Iā€™m tired. I fully realize now my vision for where this country should go is not shared by enough people to ever happen. I donā€™t know what to do with that.


I mean the polls showed Biden like +6 or more in the rust belt, hell an A+ poll had Biden +17 in Wisconsin. lolus for not just dismissing all polling entirely I guess. 4 years of Trump and a pandemic, and the best dems could do in Wisconsin it looks like is net ~20k more votes than Trump.

If Biden pulls this out (big if still, it seems), Iā€™m holding out hope that we are not Dā€™s forever. What other candidate turns out the deplorables the way Trump has? Not his kids. Not Tucker. Not Cotton. I canā€™t think of any.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez please and thank you.


I honestly think its more about the ā€œsomethingā€ than the ā€œhopeā€. People need security (income security, health care, etc.) to feel hope.

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If you donā€™t believe that Bernie would have won, you have to at least see that the neoliberal dream (just let the market work) is dead and not popular enough to win, right? Like dems need to actually promise people stuff if they want to win.


Bro letā€™s move to Canada

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Florida went for Trump and a supermajority went for $15/hr min wage.


And then got obliterated in 2010, barely hang on in 2012, stomped again in 2014, then Trump in 2016.

This country is absolutely hopeless.


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When are we expecting more results to come in?

Seems like theyā€™re done for a while.

Listen, if weā€™re not running against a cult of personality a lot changes. Letā€™s not draw conclusions just yet. There are many days/weeks/months ahead to dive into that more deeply.


Isnā€™t collins a lock at this point?

So we have an injuction to stop the count by noon or so today right?

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Biden wins!