The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I really think Biden needs to pass away during his first term for things to get better. I don’t want that to happen mind you, but if it did, I wonder who Kamala would choose as a VP.

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What site is this

What are you talking about? Trump voters don’t want to burn it all down, they’re the people with structural advantages in the system that don’t want the system to change.

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It’s not worst case scenario.

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I don’t think Mitch gives us any stimulus at all. 2022 is way better for him without stimulus, the market tanking, and Covid nearly as bad as Trump.

He will put super insane poison pills in there that the DNC could never agree too.

Probably wouldn’t matter. Look at the anti D backlash after the last black president.

I just hope every decent person in the US finds a way out. The rest? Fuck 'em.

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NYTimes, from the tweet that i was replying to

Nah, what states? He underperforms FL, GA, NC for sure. Overperforms NV and IA, but those don’t amount to hardly any EVs. You’re basically relying on him being more popular in the rust belt, which evidence points against. Like, he lost MI by a lot in a high turnout Super Tuesday primary (Biden won every county according to wiki).


I mean, we reverted back to pre-2016 numbers with Hispanics I think, right? It wasn’t enough to cost us anything, except maybe taking us out of play in TX due to RGV vote totals. Didn’t cost us AZ.

Yes, but again Trump was never ahead in the presidential race IMO. The narrative and the betting markets were lolbad. A simple thing here is Dems mostly ran on Trump bad again and that’s not enough. We won anyway because of Trump being as bad as he is and COVID, but especially downballot, you’ve gotta run on IMPROVING people’s lives, not just not fucking them up any worse.

I’ll also predict right now that we end up coming from behind in some Congressional races that don’t get called for 1 week+.

Biden won and will be sworn in. We did not get the repudtiation we wanted, and that sucks a lot and I’m really upset about it too… Caring too much is bad, I agree. But I think you’ll feel better about things in a couple weeks. Move to California or something, surround yourself with way fewer deplorables.

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I dunno, but Trump taught us you can do a lot with national emergency declarations that are bullshit, and holy shit, we have a national emergency that isn’t bullshit.

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PA is iffy for bernie. The south including TX no chance. AZ is interesting (also NV) he definitely does better latinos over there. but yeah I’m not sure whoever the mccain biden voters were just to spite trump would pcik bernie either.

Iowa and Ohio wouldn’t be close. Better case in Ohio tho but I don’t see it at all.

What on earth does this make better?

Partially agree, but mostly it’s just about giving people something and giving people hope.

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‘Likely voter’ assumptions.

Why is everyone surprised it’s close?

Brown county preliminary looks like has widened Biden lead very slightly

We are much better off with Harris as POTUS and a possible progressive VP. I think. I might be just way off on this.

Obama gave them health care. Just give them progressive policies. The culture war stuff is fighting Republicans on their territory.

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Predictit has pop vote ending between 4.5-6%. cant wait to hear about how the polls were only off by a few percent


I had to chuckle when Don Lemon said his jaw dropped when Trump gave his speech. STFU Don we all knew it was coming two or three months ago. UP called that way in advance. That said, I like Don overall compared to other mainstream anchors, and I think he knew it months ago too - he’s just trying to emphasize how bad it was.