The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I think Canadian should be easy to learn

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When we cut a shitty stimulus deal with Mitch, we need some election reform measures. If Dems are remotely competent (lol they aren’t so bad news on this front), they’d use this shit show of an election night to beat that drum HARD.

Mail-in votes everywhere, votes allowed to be counted starting a week in advance everywhere.

exit polls (grain of salt) said they did get white men back a bit but lost every other group

we were always gonna lose the assholes to trump but there definitely needs to be a refiguring out of how to not bleed more of minorities.

Last night was basically a VR simulation of uncut gems


Bernie would have won in a landslide IMO.


fuck you all, I’m drunk as hell. in the bag for biden.


Best case scenario:

Biden wins
Trump goes to Russia or jail
Biden is the anti-Trump, resets things to pre-2016 but not much more because he’s just a decent-ish old guy with nfi
Candidate to stop GOP in 2024 is ???

Well the point is neither side is trying to change the material conditions. Explicitly. So it has to be about culture war. Dems are never going to win on that ground no matter what outreach they try.



why do people seriously keep saying this nonsense?

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I don’t know about that. I don’t know if he wins Arizona or flips any of the Southern states. I do know he wins relatively comfortably in the Midwest states/PA/NV.

Maybe he flips IA or OH but those would just be extra credit. In any event we wouldn’t be sweating the election.

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100% this. No matter what happens WAAF bigly, especially with super high turnout. The whole dream of we just needed high turnout and we’d crush are gone, the dream of demographics killing the GOP is gone. Nothing left but us being fucked forever.

Maybe somehow AOC and crew take over the democratic party and we crush in 10 years, but thats like >10%



Our chances at 50 in the senate rely on either Cunningham pulling out a last minute miracle in NC or Collins falling below 50% and somehow losing ME. If one of those happens, we still need Peters to pull out MI and Warnock to win the GA special election. Awful.

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Like, don’t you live in fucking Germany of all places? You may want to consult a history book and see how Germany got its modern and effective political institutions. I think you’ll find that “putting their stupid to the side and working together” was actually not what made the difference.

I actually hold the unfashionable view that the Founders were, by and large, geniuses. The reason that the Constitution is deeply flawed is that it was created at a time when there were exactly zero functioning democracies to draw inspiration from. The Founders were heavily influenced by the goddamn Roman Republic, because it was the vaguely democratic system they could find to study. Also, they were trying to write a democratic constitution around the issue of slavery, which warped everything horribly. Obviously, the constitution drove straight into a ditch on slavery, but after that was (imperfectly) patched up, it’s kept working well enough that there hasn’t been a huge national catastrophe since then.

The Constitution sucks because it’s old, not because Americans are uniquely unsophisticated or propagandized.


Someone explain the polling to me. How did it miss this badly on everything?

I think that people rightfully hate the political class in this country for years of unapologetic rape and this is the irrational expression of that. Political bullshit party v yolo dgaf guy is the beer goggles heuristic they use and when you exacerbate that by playing into the narrative and standing for exactly nothing except election strategy/Kasich/Lincoln Project you appeal to the angry impulse to burn it all down.


Are we all just going to pretend that the obvious solution of running on popular progressive polices won’t work?


Only way to win is Collins somehow loses, Peters hangs on, and GA special.

Cunningham is toast.

Most of them adjust the polls to account for demographics etc. and obviously fucked it up, yet again. Seltzer does not do this, hence why its poll was accurate. I don’t know but I bet Trafalgar doesn’t either.

Also worth pointing out that all those independents came home to the GOP in Iowa after ACB. That was really the difference.