The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I have to agree. She has to let Obama replace her when the dems had the senate.


Two weeks ago I genuinely though we were drawing very live to holding all three branches, expanding the SC, D.C. statehood, elections reform, etc. Now I am praying to a god I donā€™t believe in that Biden ekes out a victory and buys us a little time. And then Iā€™ll be praying that there are millions who voted for Trump but wonā€™t turn out for any other Republican in 2022/2024.

Please let MI/WI/NV/PA/GA/AZ deliver us good news. Please please please.


Letā€™s not forget that other old ghoul from CA who is loosing he marbles and fucking hugged Lindsey Graham over the ACB hearing

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Honestly I think an underrated part of this election is that COVID got everybody more politically active and thinking about politics because for so many people this is the first time politics has affected their daily lives.

There are probably a large amount of first time voters that didnā€™t think any further than ā€œBiden wants to shut us down, Trump wants to keep us openā€. And because people are terrible and selfish they memory holed the 250k+ dead people and just voted on that basis.


Yah Iā€™m just waking up for my next doomscrolling shift. Pinnacle favors Biden now so maybe things got better overnight?

People with Facebook that were politically inactive 4 years ago.


When do we get first time voters stats? Are these ppl who never thought Trump had a chance in 2016 and stayed home? Does the latino shift account for this?

The Dem strategy to unequivocally shore up most overtly ā€œestablishmentā€ campaigners on literally both sides probably grossed people out as well

We can do a lot on COVID without the Senate. For stimulus, weā€™re going to have to make a gross deal and give tons of corporate welfare or a liability shield.

The sweet memes though.


Dems underperformed across the board downballot, no? Lotta house and senate races lost by margins far greater than even thought possible. Thereā€™s def something to be said about that, Biden (potentially) sneaking in a narrow victory aside. The motivation did not seem to be there other than to simply vote against Trump.

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Iā€™ve been awake for Green Bay for hours now, assholes.


I get it, but I was less scared when he gave the speech because:

  1. Physically he looked defeated.

  2. The fears of violence didnā€™t materialize yesterday, thus it seemed less likely going forward.

  3. SCOTUS may throw out votes arriving after 11/3 in states that changed laws this year, but theyā€™re not throwing out votes that would have counted in 2016 and 2018 and clearly should count in 2020, nor are they throwing out mail-in votes that arrived before close of polls.

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Looks that way. We flipped AZ and CO senate, but nothing else there. The house is still a cluster and up in the air, but it doesnā€™t look like we are gaining anything there anyway.

I think itā€™s way more to do with culture war bullshit than material conditions. Basically, the Dems have to win men back. I donā€™t think this entails moving to the right on healthcare, wages, or the environment. Just change the tone. Make your rhetoric more male and more blue collar, if that makes any sense. It makes me cringe when I listen to liberals on NPR refer to ā€œlatinxā€ people. Normal people donā€™t say that shit! Latinos donā€™t say that shit! All that weird academic jargon just alienates people that are mostly on your side. I feel like Obama got it. He understood how to communicate with average dudes without being toxic to other groups. Donā€™t think Bernie did; Warren definitely didnā€™t.


Makes sense there would be NPA voters that decided just get trump out of here votes vs even trumpers would figure out to just pick the R everywhere.

I dont think anyone gives a shit about that. People that live in reality and care about other people voted Dem. People that live in a world constructed entirely in their minds and that donā€™t care about other people voted R. Thatā€™s it. If the Dems fall short its because they didnt overtly promise anything for the selfish people. This is the whole foundation of why ā€œTrump Badā€ isnā€™t enough. The West Wing attitude imagines that Americans are, on average, better than they actually are.

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If you take a step back and look at every Democrat that was won the presidency since FDR, all of them are inspiring figures who people really wanted to support and get excited for (Carter might be the exception, but that was bc of Nixon).

Nobody is excited to vote for Biden. The data is so obvious and clear and no one learns from it.


Itā€™s amazing that CNN still spends so much time analyzing and parsing and being outraged at things that Trump says and implying that everyone on team Trump is really pissed with him and this will be the thing that turns them against him. Who is their target audience honestly?

Nobody in anyway aligned with Trump cares about him saying heā€™s going to the Supreme Court.


I knew I should have voted a few more times. At least nobody died šŸ¤·


My biggest regret is wasting these past four years. I should have been learning another language and preparing to get out instead of stupidly believing this country would realize itā€™s 2016 screwup.