The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Maybe we can keep R turnout down in 2022 without Trump stanning for every candidate and his minions slurping it up.

Iā€™m just so disappointed in people. Who are all these new voters voting for trump? Who is out there seeing a spike in covid cases and saying, yes we need more of that?


Biden -170 on Pinnacle


Pretty sure thatā€™s up to the states whether to shutdown or not.

For sure Biden could take a bunch of federal money from other places but I donā€™t see him being willing to do that, but hopefully he does.

Like obviously I will be happy if Biden wins, but just barely. Winning the senate was just as important as the presidency. If we somehow canā€™t get the majority in 2022 I donā€™t see how we win in 2024 unless we get a super popular candidate. But they probably run Harris and we get crushed after doing literally nothing for 4 years.

Also its clear after one of the biggest turnout elections ever that this country is a complete deplorable shit hole.

Sorry for being so negative, but even the best case scenarios here look super, super awful. But yeah Iā€™ll be glad we defeat trump, but weā€™re not situated well to win the war.

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Heā€™s playing both sides - trying to plant the idea of electoral fraud in peopleā€™s minds so if he does lose the election narrowly he has more leverage with the SC (and the sheeple), backed by his new booty case on it.

Interesting times.


Like Iā€™m sure Iā€™m going to be insufferably beating my chest for the rest of time for being calm tonight but the big keys were:

  1. Florida was not correlated to anything else all that strongly. We lost because of Latinos in Miami-Dade. We ran ahead of 2016 in most of the other counties that correlated to other states. Also, Cuban and Venezuelan voters donā€™t correlate to Hispanic voters in AZ, TX, etc.

  2. We were always going to be way behind in PA, MI, WI early in the night and claw it back.

  3. I kept looking at the margins and what was outstanding and how big we should win the outstanding vote, and basically we were always ā€œcovering the spreadā€ so to speak.

  4. We were ahead in Ohio early, as expected, and while I didnā€™t think we were going to carry it, it made me increasingly confident in the ā€œred mirageā€ in the blue wall and the ā€œblue mirageā€ in Ohio.

  5. Also the needles overreacted badly to Miami-Dade, as evidenced by the current situation.

The reason I always seem to overreact to things is that I fear worst case outcomes that can logically happen. Every time I looked at the worst case outcomes tonight, they were the situation weā€™re in: a win, not by huge margins, but a win none the less.

Weā€™re like 88% now according to 538, we ewre 89% going inā€¦ We never deviated nearly as much from that as people thought.


Covid has caused a recession so we need a smart businessman to get us out of it. Sure Biden is right that heā€™s not a nice guy but we donā€™t need a nice guy right now we need someone who will pull us out of this. What was bidens covid pitch? Its bad and Iā€™ll get us out of it please wear a mask? Vs trumps itā€™s bad Iā€™ll get us out of it you dont have to wear a mask if you donā€™t want to.


I hope all the Biden/Warren stans are ready to live through another four years of hearing about how Bernie would have won. Fuck those people lol.

I agree 110%, just told my friend something similar on the phone. The timing of the death of RBG was a brutally bad beat for us.


Under the Public Health Service Act, the CDC can do basically anything other than quarantine individuals without them testing positive for a disease. CDC can shut down any public space it wants.

jesus fucking christ man. the future is so fucking bleak. demographics shifting is not going to be a thing and this will be a battle for the rest of our lives, probably with dems moving right the whole time.

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Reality doesnā€™t matter. They just need a narrative.

I saw that there might be some shenanigans in Miami Dade with respect to mail in ballots not being delivered

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I mentioned this in voice chat, but Peters is a weak candidate who lost his first attempt at statewide office when he ran for AG in the same year that Jennifer Granholm won governor.

Grunching on 5 hours sleep (damn bladder and dogsā€™ bladders).

I see that Wisconsin has swung over to the good side and assume that stay. SO we need PA or GA or MI or NC (Omaha is called?)

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Also many of them will probably be thinking ā€œYou call that fascism? Didnā€™t seem so bad to meā€.

Not sure I can agree that Cubans donā€™t correlate when Biden underperformed with Hispanics apparently across the board

They both suck and should step down, but they were boxed into a corner pretty badly with ACB. Iā€™ll have to think about it more in hindsight tomorrow, but the problem was that they either look bad for fighting too hard against the nice soccer mom, thereā€™s fear-mongering about court-packing, or they play nice and Dems shrug and say, ā€œWell, theyā€™re not that mad so it must be ok.ā€

They needed to do creative things outside the box for messaging - something AOC is awesome at on the left and Trump is awesome at on the right. eDems are atrocious at it. They said the right things on healthcare, pro choice, etc, but they didnā€™t get the message out to the voters because they are brutally bad at it.

Just a brutal self own from RBG for not retiring years ago. Completely taints her legacy.


No matter what happens this country is an unredeemable shithole and Iā€™m done. Caring about shit here is extremely bad for me. Itā€™s time to JohnnyTruant and give up. Last night broke me for good. Iā€™m laying here hungover af crying. Mostly because I just canā€™t believe this shit. Again. Maybe Biden won but I canā€™t imagine it mattering with this tiny margin. Either the SC overturns it or Biden is crippled by the Senate and we devolve further into the abyss.