The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I’m ready. Let’s goooooooooooo


Wrong clovis. I don’t know what your problem is but it’s clear that the gimmick that is DrJenniferMelfi picked one with me.

Is it your gimmick?

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I was going to make a similar suggestion earlier, and I never get involved in the petty shit. He adds zero value to this thread or forum though and is the most likely to kick off an annoying derail of arguments.

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That… seems… likely? waaf?

Shhhh dude just stop

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With the help of 538, I made a cheat sheet for tonight. When to polls close, when to expect results, and how the outcomes might shift as states count early & election day ballots. Hope it helps 🙂


Can’t tell If serious.

I just ignored them for a week. Problem solved


Yeah this is seriously troubling right?


In polls that Trump was losing, wasn’t he way above that number for “voting on election day” respondents??

yep, i don’t understand those numbers

I don’t know who the fuck that guy is but no one knows how much is needed really because no one knows any results yet

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What am I missing? Is everyone being sarcastic or is this actually something to worry abou?

One idea that has come up in the meetings: sell the loans in the secondary market, two of the bank officials said. But one of the officials said that idea has not gained traction, in part because it is not clear who would want to buy the loans and the attendant problems that come with it.

So Trump will…win every state?


It’s like a reverse Dr. Evil and Scott situation.

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I think those are just numbers the campaign shares with volunteers on their nightly election update calls. But they would want those numbers to encourage Dem turnout, so I don’t think we can read much into them.

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A lot of these seem really rosy but even if they’re quite a bit off we should still feel good.