The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

the pundits all had 90% or better on at least twitter, nate cohn, nate silver, wasserman, etc etc etc whoever else, leantossup who claimed they got everything else right previously, most gamblers I knew did too (jkersting was just some college kid trying it for the first time and ended up with the same system as those guys)

too much groupthink/blind trust

When I looked back at polling error misses vs results, I noticed the more enthusiastic candidate beat it generally by a few to some points. My assumption of part of the error here is they decided to skew the polls to an assumed electorate % weight by types which did not happen.

That error would explain the group herding but kudos to seltzer for blasting that shit and just doing her own thing and being pretty good at her job. (sheā€™s not perfect either but thatā€™s two straight potus elections that everyone was stupid in iowa compared to her)

Heā€™d be in charge of the CDC!

Dude thatā€™s 1.6M at 3.2, 3.1M at 3.15, 6.4M at 3.1

I think there was enough liquidity for Unstuckers to feast on.

I thought weā€™d lose about half of the house 18 pickups coming in and it might be much worse than that. Jeez.

WE KNOW ITā€™S STUPID. Google how to pass an amendment to the United States Constitution, then look at the electoral map, then look at the margins in some of the red states we would need to get onboard.

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Its hard to reconcile Americansā€™ hatred for each other with any meaningful definition of patriotism. Americaā€™s culture of inequality is more of the root cause. Theyā€™ve twisted themselves into thinking inequality is good. Billionaires = capitalism is a success! Cops murdering black people = law and order!

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Iā€™m not saying there was a lack of liquidity, Iā€™m saying the volume is small.

Someone tell me what the good news is at this point.


Thereā€™s the abstract idea of AMERICA that theyā€™re force fed from birth, which a few of them later on realise was horseshit, by which time itā€™s emotionally ingrained unfortunately.


The problem is the radical stupids make up way to big a portion of the population to agree to the change. 40% of the country is completely stupid and brainwashed, and another 20 just donā€™t care or donā€™t know what all is going on. I donā€™t know how anything ever gets changed without a civil war.

Letā€™s fucking go michigan

I blacked out and passed out 5 hours ago. Can someone cliffs what happened? It looks like worst possible case scenerio. What the fuck.

all the WI/MI votes we thought were blue were blue, possibly georgia as well but we wonā€™t know those for a while

Or a revolution.

It doesnā€™t and it is irredeemably fucked. And thatā€™s without even factoring in gun ownership.

This is an awful, awful take. No one is fundamentally amending the Constitution without a foreign invasion or a descent into dictatorship in the interim.

National popular vote for president is unlikely but possible. State-level PR is possible but not popular. Better election laws are critical and doable. But thatā€™s it. No amount of wishing will change the Senate.


What can they do without money? Recommendations? States need money for testing, tracing, lockdowns etc. Mitch isnā€™t going to give him shit.

Like for sure Biden will do better on Covid, but without money it isnā€™t going to be A LOT better.

Biden is probably favored. NV and AZ most likely in the bag. Favored in MI, WI by quite a bit. Slightly favored in GA. PA is a mystery. NC is lost.

Why donā€™t you guys just work together, put in some effort and fix the things that are broken really is peak zarapo.


Pathways to victory based on results as of 5:40 AM EST according to 538

Clearly it isnā€™t wrapped up but itā€™s favorable for Biden

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