The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

left wing punditry WERE GONNA WIN LANDSLIDE

right wing punditry WERE GONNA WIN LANDSLIDE

really shouldn’t have been a surprise it ended up close EC wise anyway

It’s looking like a massive polling miss and I’m still going to make a good amount of money. It was free money, because in basically a worst case scenario most of it still hit.

Trump at 2.5 was still a bad bet. Turns out I think Biden at 1.5 was as well.

I got Biden at 2.8, 3.25 and Trump at 2.85. That should not happen within ~12 hours.


I’d say getting Biden today at $4/+300 was much higher value than Trump at +240 (which held for like two hours after one speech)

Can we get a Biden confirmed win before we start worrying about what comes next? Because your WAAF scenario isn’t even close to the darkest timeline.

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well to put water on your fire here regarding SCOTUS motivating dems… 30% of dems supported amy comey barrett’s nomination to the supreme court

but that was according to polls so who really knows

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Most of them don’t want to recognise the root cause of it because it’s embedded into their own psyche after years of indoctrination.

The whole fucking country is one big cult of patriotism and nationalism.

Recognising this would be like cutting their own legs off.


Don’t think this is an accurate assessment. Dems were for the most part skeptical of their lead. Rs as usual thought they would win in a landslide, based on nothing. Dems only really started to be optimistic lol three days ago, when all the polls herded around Biden +7 everywhere he needs to win, and Biden +2 in bonus states.

It’s not, we should gain a minimum of 70K more in Detroit.

oh so if trafalgar and the nates are the same we don’t fucking need any of them

guillotine anyone with a bowtie 2020

Wow guys. What a thing to wake up to. I guess it turns out when the options are the party of grinding, soul searing, market based neoliberalism vs the party of grinding, soul searing, market based neo fascism plus making an imaginary blue haired teenager cry the choice is kind of tough.


Yeah but they’re going to take away our healthcare pretty soon, then take away a woman’s right to choose.

Trump was available at 3.2 for quite a while. £1.6M matched.

I dunno, Trump winning and burning the country to the ground isn’t so bad. Maybe it’ll be a Bush scenario where in 2024 we landslide everything with a good candidate.

I mean without the senate how much good can Biden do with Covid? He ain’t getting no money for states to fight it.

This feels more like Reagan. Weaker GOP candidate wins again in 2024 before Dems completely rebuild.

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Abigail Spanberger got waffle stomped in VA7 as the dem incumbent.

If Trump wins, we’re drawing dead in 2024. Stone cold dead. Edited to add: Trump’s not winning, though.

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1.6m is basically pennies though for these markets, that’s like under ~8x what this forum had on it.

i was too emotionally drained but EM2 basically took on millions in bets at terrible odds (he took -200 on biden when it was a flip i think) and went on a psychotic episode where he must have tweeted 5000 times in the last 12 hours. he is now anti trump apparently.