The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Sorry man, I have slept an average of 4 hours per night for the last two and a half weeks.

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How much money was wasted in SC + KY that could have gone to help out elsewhere? Dems are forever stupid.

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I’m jealous.

Yeah but nah, if people are too dumb to parse out what he was saying we,re too dumb as a species to live.

I mean his response was fucking awful but it’s how you create non-voters, not trump voters.

Same as in 2016, their internal polls were touted the whole cycle but were really fucking off.

Man, looking more and more like the Decision Desk numbers in MI were bullshit, and Biden’s actual deficit is still like 195k.

It’s almost as if it needs a radical shake up instead of more centrist policies.

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So um is WI a lock or what? Gonna have to fade recount either way?

Our party needs to be taken over by progressives like the GOP has been taken over by trupists.


What was the final national poll btw? +9?

That’s going to be off by around 7.

a big reason harrison was polling so close was the same point I made earlier, people just didn’t want to admit they were voting for graham so they claimed undecided even though they were always voting graham. Still doesn’t explain the 46% and the like people kept having. I did call that being TN from 18 too.

we have this huge thing every election where we ignore the states we need to win which are close and go for that juicy thing just because it’s in the reddest state ever but it’s a complete mirage. I get it we got bama once but that was a very unique case.

What’s super irrational race in 22, idaho? one of the dakotas? It’s gonna be stupid whatever it is and everyone’s gonna fall for it again.

WI is not a lock, NV is not a lock, both are looking okay and we still need another state.

Well er this is probably just a lingo slip but popular policies are what Trump has been doing.

Am I the last one still awake?:

Thanks Nate. GJGE. Not like this is the one day every four years your entire business is built around. Maybe fucking take the time?


See my post above lol

I’m still suspicious of the disparity of MN vs WI/MI/PA. Does not compute. I want to know what their voting system are comparatively. This is super odd.

Nope, dems gonna move hard to the right after this. Biden was too moderate so they called him a socialist and it worked doncha know!

They will learn all the wrong lessons because LOLdems


I don’t think so. Biden’s on track to probably win the popular vote by like 5 or 6. Lot of wasted votes on the East and West Coasts.

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Wayne still has plenty outstanding though, right?

Yes. Only 48 percent in.