The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

The GOP has policies?

Doubtful we lose enough seats to lose it, but it is still possible. We could actually still gain seats too if things broke just right. It looks like a giant crapshoot.

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Trump has a legitimate cult following. This has fucked up a lot of things we thought we knew.


But Biden crushed in maine, collins winning is a fuckton of dems voted for her.

Like I said we need to go to maine and kick the absolute shit out of all the dems who voted for collins


Yeah, that too. I recall losing my shit when it leaked that the Biden campaign was not going to focus at all on Hispanic voters. HORRIBLE strategic decision. Like, just, why? At the very least just tap Beto and Castro and AOC and let them go do their thing on your behalf from the very start of the campaign.

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Biden, if victorious, just needs to suck it up and pass popular policies by executive order and dare the SC to kill them.

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Are we talking about the same Joe Biden?

Yeah Iā€™m starting to feel delusional nowā€¦

I think we might be able to unify the country behind cancelling Nate Silver and firing the 538 fox into the sun. Start with an area of agreement, go from there.


Nevada Elections (NVElect)

Hereā€™s what is left to count:
-Mail ballots received on Election Day
-Mail ballots that will be received over the next week
-Provisional ballots

Okay, so we donā€™t need to count these right? Thatā€™s attempting to flip the election results, ainā€™t that right Mr. Kavanaugh?

  1. Trigger libs/dems

  2. repeat 1.

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Redacted for privacy.

Biden is not going to do this.

If itā€™d been a landslide there would easily have been 8000 posts of everyone LOLing at Trump tweets

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Well, weā€™re currently up by 0.8, so if he wants to stop the count, ok lol. I call.

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you shouldā€™ve seen the vince meme I had ready IT WAS AMAZING

thatā€™s the joke

Man, as Iā€™ve said many times now, I still think Bidenā€™s going to win. But holy shit at the multiple double digit fuckign polling misses all over the place. Jaime Harrison lost by fucking 14!

Collins was always going to be tougher to beat than the polls showed. She has MAJOR moderate creds in Maine, built up over a lifetime of incredibly cunning bullshittery.

Zero point zero percent chance of that from Biden.