The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Nah I’d been saying he made huge inroads with latinos for awhile. He was +10 with them in the polling.

Not having the senate is a HUGE disaster. No stimulus, no money for covid, literally nothing getting done.

I guess hopefully without Trump we can do well in 2022? god I fucking hope so.

I mean I know we know this, but Biden currently leading in AZ/NV & MI and looks like he’s a good favorite to take Michigan here. We have to be in good shape. We’ve even got backups (lol Georgia) and (lol North Carolina) and (maybe not Lol Pennsylvania).

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If Biden wins we are getting steamrolled in 2022 (this was always going to be true, though).


The smartest thing he’s ever done in politics in his life was to shut the fuck up w/ the anti-Latino racism the last couple months. Unless I’m delirious and forgetting some things, I think he toned that down before the average voters tuned in a couple months ago, and thus was able to win back a lot of the traditionally conservative Hispanic voters he lost in 2016.

Could just be that he got lucky mashing buttons on covid so much that he forgot to talk about how dirty and dangerous their caravans are.


It’s tough to see how we’re not getting steamrolled forever.


Wait so we might lose the house too? I thought it was called super early in the night with dems picking up extra seats.

Unfucking believable. I hate this country so much.

eh, we did know he had gained there we just didn’t visualize the scale.

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Senate schedule is fairly favourable but after today I don’t trust the Dems to be any more than 50/50 to retain 49 seats let alone get to 50 (or heaven forbid 51)

of course it sucks not to have the Senate, but the cult of Trump prevailed tonight not GOP policies.

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YUGE spread on PA mail ballots


All you have to do is see Florida voting for a $15 minimum wage then electing Trump.

He seems to have vastly underestimated the correlation between the 25-30% seats. Like we were either taking a bunch of them or none.

First executive order made by comrade Biden is all pollsters to the gulag


I don’t think this means we get steamrolled in 2022. For whatever reason people turn out for Trump. That will change in the midterms. If Collins et. al. weren’t up for reelection which what appears to be a huge Republican turnout they’d probably lose.

Not gonna lie, while irrational, if I were in that room my immediate reaction would be like, “Oh yeah, fuck you, I will vote for Trump then.” I would calm down by the time I got home, but I understand.

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We might be able to get stimulus, but it’ll be shitty stimulus. (Lots of corporate welfare and/or a liability shield.)

yeah, they were 100% going to play the caravans full of violent immigrants card again then couldn’t w/COVID.

I guess Biden winning Philly mail in votes by a 20:1 margin would do it for us in PA. Lol, lets hope those numbers hold.


We’re not losing the House. NBC projecting 227 seats.

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