The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

We need 32 pts from Nevada (6), GA (16), NC (15), WI (10), MI (16), PA (20). Got a few combos available there.


Mail in ballots should skew hard Biden though and we’re ahead.

And the craziest part of all this shit is that I think Biden is still probably a decent favorite to ship this election but this is fucking insanity to have it so fucking close in so many different states that aren’t fucking correlated to each other.


Nate Silver said several times this week that polls showed last minute mail in ballots generally were only slightly blue (believe +7) as Ds were worried about funny business.

Hows the senate looking?

Uglier than buttcrust.

lol Nate Silver I don’t trust a word that nerd says anymore. But even if thats true, if they only skew dems slightly and we’re up we should be good?

Looks like Nevada is ok to me:

D+7 should be good enough for a hold in Nevada.

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Maine looks fucked, collins 51% with 85% in

These will decide NV. If they’re at all blue or a push, we win.

wait wtf nov 5th?

Not having the Senate sucks, but I think tonight showed that normalizing Trump over the last 4 years made him way more popular than we thought even yesterday. We had no idea he made inroads with latinos etc.

Just take the WH, fade 2 months of Trump craziness then go from there.

fucking lololololol Susan collins going to keep here job. Great fucking job democrats, unfucking believable.

Just fucking wow. We need to go to maine and kick the shit out of every democrat there.

These house races are tight. Could be wild swings.

Why are NV not counting for 30 hours now?

a 538 A+ pollster rating WI +17 poll GJGE

