The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

OK after going through the numbers, PA is too close for me to call. I was always very confident in MI and WI based simply on remaining vote in major urban population centers that was known. I don’t currently know what’s left in that regard in PA, so based it off 2016 and couldn’t quite get home. Still think we’ve got edge, but not a ton.

So, NV is pretty huge. Going to see what I can find about the outstanding vote in PA. If SE PA has 900K still as was said early, we should be within 100K or so and then it’s going to be a matter of whether the mail vote truly skews Dem even in rural areas. If so, we should be slightly ahead of a coin flip. If not, it’s not looking good.

Where is 2/2 motherfucker??? How long does it take to type?


Phew. Ok so the Clark county remaining ballots represent approximately 6% of the 15% remaining per NYT.

We have to be up to at least a 20% chance of machine-related cheating. At least.

Or maybe I don’t want to believe so many people are so awful.

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alpha move to write 1/2 and go to sleep


I couldn’t wait (admittedly there was a 3 min delay between this old dude typing tweets using only his index finger on his phone)

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Fucking my pillow commercial on msnbc. Christ.

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This fucking year man.



Oh it “may be enough”? Cool. Very informative.

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Nevada accepts mail in votes until the 10th as long as they are postmarked by election day. It could come down to those.

So we need GA if we lose PA right?

I think NV + MI + WI is enough.

Not if we win NV.

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Not if we hold Nevada and Wisconsin and pick up Michigan.

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I’m assuming NV is locked up.

So we need MI which is looking super close but good right?

Biden’s lead in Wisconsin now down to 7300 per NYtimes.

I guess when we slide into facism it’ll be nice that we won’t have to sweat an election like this again.


Nevada is anything but locked up. Michigan is hard to say because nobody’s fucking numbers agree, good job news organizations, but it seems good.

Not true, they’re going to rig all elections to be like this. If this turns out badly, I suspect they rigged this one to make libs cry.