The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

if he wins MI and WI but loses NV…

Oh yeah trump was before that… screw this my brain is fried.

Peak fucking 2020, but that hasn’t happenned yet.

Just woke up in the middle of the night legit shaking


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You forgot Michigan though. WI + PA + MI is still a win. And Michigan looks pretty good.

Damn you’re right. Somehow I was thinking Maine was still out. Lol me.

What happened in fucking NV? Went to bed without any worry… washoe was fine. Clark has to be big Biden, right?

I went into a xanax coma, what did he do?

Yes, you’re right. But I would note that Biden currently leads by a much larger percentage in Nevada than he does in Wisconsin.

Yep, MI and PA or GA and PA would do it.

The Nevada thing came down like a minute before you came back. You know what we know.

Is Arizona safe?

Wait so Clark and Washoe are fully reflected in the current Nevada figures Biden +11k with 85% counted?!

AP called it, and they have 100% record, so it damn well better be.

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Biden outperforming Clinton in washoe w 11 percent left?


I grew up in Vegas. It’s always been a bit rednecky.


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If either GA or NC goes R, all of the R states will be touching.