The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I know huh. I see 67 uncalled races and 15 of those are toss ups.

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For AZ, mail is first and last with EDay in the middle.

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Uh when did you go to sleep? Kind of important given what the president did.

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Guys, Ralston just posted ominously that Nevada is down to 9k.

Lmao of course

Yeah Iā€™ve been worried about NV all week, itā€™s one of two swing states I didnā€™t touch at all for Biden (FL was the other).

Also just woke up although I was last up about 2.5 hours ago (right around Trump speech time). Looks a little closer than I thought it would be then, but I think weā€™re still in decent shape? So I have that read right vs a couple hours ago?

Nevada worrisome now??

Midnight, pacific

I would think Clark mail would be huge for Dems.

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If Clark mail isnā€™t in yet, Biden still a heavy NV fav.

NBC projecting 227 House seats.


Nevada still probably ok.

So you didnā€™t see trump say he won the election and all counting will need to stop and he is going directly to SCOTUS?

He was wrong about Clark, though. This ainā€™t great.

They count continuously though. So I think itā€™s just the mail that was recieved like today, maybe yesterday?

Sheesh. We lose that we have to have either 1) WI and PA, or 2) any 2 of MI, GA, PA, NC.

If he only did the one speech, I saw that.

JFC you have to use better words. Done counting for the night? Done counting all votes??

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