The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I don’t know. A lot of the red counties apparently have outstanding votes that lean dems at this point. So it is not all on Milwaukee.

Please keep talking, I’ll shut up.

we’re not winning GA today come on

Trump lead in Michigan down to 233k. With 76 percent estimated.

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I am just basing it on what the cnn guy said when he walked through the state. Like Brown county on other areas likely have a positive to Biden due to mail in votes.

Really just depend more on how those numbers break. The red counties have requested absentee ballots outstanding which dems lead in.

But Milwaukee needs to narrow that deficit by a massive amount.

He needs Milwaukee absentees to break 80/20 for him?

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That’s my read…

edit - and that assumes evens in all the other outstanding locations

The girl I know who immigrated from Venezuela not only fears socialism but also isn’t fearful of COVID much at all, in part I think because she’s seen some crazy shit in her life and there’s some crazy shit going on in her home country, so it’s like just some other thing to deal with. It’s not as jarring to her as it is to us.

That could be true for a decent number of immigrants from various parts of Latin America.

More likely she’s just dumb.


Senate races not yet called (we need 4 of 6 for GOP to be at 49):
Alaska - not looking good, GA - Ossof in runoff, Ga-2 - Warnock with a decent chance, Maine - doubtful, Michigan - looks doubtful, NC - looks doubtful. Fuck it looks like 52-48 (or 53-47) R’s to me.

Maine is not doubtful. Ranked choice voting and a lot still to come in.

Um is Milwaukee still not in? Because if not we got this now?!

i believe that is still without Milwaukee!

Holy fucking shit holy fuckign shit holy fucking shit.

translation smarter nerds please

Ah you’re right. Find another one or two please.

Yeah if we lose MI senate that sucks

CNN are equally incredulous about going to the SC. The same counting is being done as ever, with it taking longer this time because of the number of postal votes.

He’d be mad to try to go to the SC to get counting stopped while he has such a good chance of winning anyway. Mentioning the SC is being done purely as a way of sowing doubt in a gullible public’s mind about the validity of the election in case he loses.