The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

DDHQ has us -100K in WI, and we should be able to make that up in Milwaukee alone. So we just need to be ahead in the rest of the outstanding count, which we should be.

also i don’t buy the cheating stuff. they are too incompetent for something that organized to go undercover.

Good? let FL and Texas take care of the poverty stricken red states and let the blue states who pay the bills go their way…

Trump lead in Michigan down to 5.5

You aren’t getting results online for Wisconsin until they have their press conference where it is expected 100k or so Milwaukee votes and perhaps others are dumped.


Looks like Michigan is gradually trickling in. Michigan is probably a must-win for Biden at this point.

Hopefully during his second term Trump will continue to push Space Force so that we can launch the entire DNC into the Sun


Doesn’t have to be them.

30 minutes for Milwaukee

WISCONSIN ANOTHE 30 minutes after cyber and police escort.


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OANN just called Michigan for Kanye


Wowwww I think we’re taking NC even.


I don’t think WI is happening. Not enough votes in Milwaukee, turnout in the rest of the state was up.

Trumps lead in MI isn’t 300k anymore it’s 240k. MI seems good.

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This cnn reporter said Wisconsin people said day of voting was pretty dead in the state.

That would tell me it should have been a Biden blowout.

F the poles.

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I think we’re drawing to NV/MI/GA (we still need NV right?). Feel sick.

My lord Trump WAY outperformed in Florida with latinos. Biden was stomped by Hillary’s 2016 numbers by double digits.

Yeah. I do wonder if the Latino vote has something to do with needing us to be OFB so they can make a living, at least in a state like FL which depends on tourism.