The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

i think the economist had biden at 97% to win, so terrible?

GOP still at +4 in the house. 80 races undecided. Just a terrible result.

This guy is smoking the crack pipe. WI is a pure coin toss.

Open for business.

Votes seem to be coming in for Mil -

it was 170k-108k, now 174k-110k lol

HUGE lol if all this was for 6k votes

How many does GOP have to pick up for us to lose the house?

The cnn fake king just went through a bunch of red counties where he said a lot of the outstanding vote is likely democrat.

Yeah, Iā€m sorry, itā€™s fucking cheating.


I think itā€™s 18.

In blue states, thoughā€¦ Straight up hacking?

No idea, but something.

Another 6k votes dropped in Wisconsin. Trumps lead down to 107 from 109.

Also Fox News called the House for Dems and a net gain of 5 for Dems, and weā€™re somehow going to lose seats?

Something is off.

Wisconsin, aka Northern Florida, is punking us with a middle of the night press conference that keeps getting pushed back and forward.

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is Wisconsin dead? where should i be f5ing?

I mean, I donā€™t even know if I want to think about it. Dems arenā€™t gonna do shit about it anyway. And without the Senate thereā€™s no chance of any federal election security bills, so itā€™ll only be worse next time.

Really nowhere at this point. I donā€™t think weā€™re getting any counts from anywhere except wisconsin for the next few hours. Fuck if I can sleep though.